(no subject)

Jul 09, 2016 07:02

Someday, I'm going to sleep through the whole night, and wake up when it's light outside, and feel refreshed.

Today is not that day.

The pack-out started yesterday, and so far, it's going well. I do not understand how I was that tired at the end of the day when I'm not the one who was packing anything. As far as I know, only three things have been mispacked, and none of them are disasters. Two were discovered shortly after the mistake and I laughed it off.

1. Once again, the DVDs are going in Air, which will arrive 2-3 weeks after we do. The BluRay player? It's on the slow boat. This is not a big deal; usually there's a DVD player in the Welcome Kit. Which won't help with the BluRay discs, but eh. Worse things have happened.

2. I think all of Andrew's backpacks have been packed for the slow boat. Which is problematic, since he's gonna need one for school immediately after we get there. Again, not the end of the world - but I'd really rather not buy a new backpack, because I'd already bought him a new backpack and hadn't told him about it. And it's not like he's hard on his backpacks - he actually takes very good care of them, even after a hard year of Kindergarten, his backpacks still looks brand new. Basically, this child is going to be well-stocked for backpacks.

3. Possibly the most annoying one - and this is unconfirmed because I woke up at 4:30 this morning having realized it - I think we packed the Netflix movies. (Yeah, we're old school, we still get the discs.) The good news is that if they're packed, they're on the slow boat. The bad news is... we packed the Netflix movie, and God knows when we'll be able to return them, so that's $12/month we're out until we get them back. Dammit.

Of course, I might have moved them, and just forgot I moved them, because honestly, there was a whole lot going on in the house yesterday. The movers showed up at 9am, and didn't leave until 8pm. The entire first floor is packed. The upstairs hallway is half its normal width because of the boxes stacked there. The only things left to pack is the garage and the hobbit hole - both of which were very warm yesterday, which is why the packers are tackling them today.

And honestly? We could be done tomorrow, but for some reason, this particular moving company does things in stages, and it's two crews: one to pack, one to load the truck. And the packers don't have a large truck. The large truck won't come until Sunday - even though the packers will be done today probably before lunch. Which is basically an entire day wasted - the house is 75% packed and ready to go! We could be done today, and no one would have to work on Sunday. Am I wrong, or isn't that better for everyone?

(Mostly, I'm just annoyed because now instead of the slow Sunday morning I'd been planning on having with the boys, before loading them up to drive to DC during Charlie's nap... we're going to have a boring/stressful day watching the loaders load the truck before I then strap them into their carseats and driving up to DC. With Charlie awake and grumpy and screaming the whole way, most likely, while Cleo cries pitifully from her carrier and Andrew complains that I put the wrong movies on his iPad.)

(Oh, and I bet it rains. Like, buckets, and there'll be brake lights the entire way and maybe heavy construction and possibly alien invasion because the aliens got their Earth calendars mixed up and think Independence Day is this Monday and not last Monday.)

(Wow, that went downhill fast.)

Breathe. Look at the positive. By Sunday night, this will all be done. And we'll be in DC on Monday in time for Andrew's soccer camp.

Anyway, we're all comfortable ensconced in the temporary quarters, which are very nice and within spitting distance of the pool. And I'll check on the DVDs once we're back at the house, and if they ARE packed, I might ask if the packers know where they are, because if they can pinpoint the box, maybe they'll be willing to get them out again. I won't make them open every box, though, that's just silly, especially as it's my own fault and not theirs. I saw the DVDs, I thought to myself, "Self, move those DVDs, and then... yeah, no. There was always something else pressing to do.

Finally getting the chance to sort the boys' rooms. Finally getting to do laundry. Finally getting to clean the bathrooms. Taking out the picture hooks, removing the blutack from the walls, peeling off the wall decals. It's all done. There's a hell of a lot of dust and the floor isn't great, but otherwise it's fine. We won't be here for check-out inspection - because they don't do that on Sundays - but I think I mentally checked out two weeks ago so I seriously Do Not Care. (Which I almost admitted to the housing inspector but realized at the last second was probably a bad idea.)

Today's Goals:

--Clean the downstairs bathroom.
--Dump Cleo's old litter box.
--Clear all foodstuff out of fridge, freezer, pantry.

And then once those are done.... write. Because God knows when I'll have another chance without the children hanging on my arm.


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