Charlie in the Snow

Jan 25, 2016 11:26

Okay, next to the snow.  He was very patient while Bill and I shoveled the driveway, though. I could swear I had baby snow boots, but I can't find them anyway, and I think I might have lent them to a family last year who never gave them back and then moved to Atlanta.  Where they are probably not going to need them.  *sigh*

There was not an obsene amount of snow, but there was enough that school was cancelled today (Monday).  I haven't left the house since... Wednesday last week, I think, so I don't have a clue what the roads are like out there, though Bill had a doctor's appointment today so I'm sure he'll fill me in.  I'm hoping school starts up again tomorrow, because Andrew is bored stiff, and I think Charlie's getting stir-crazy.

Of course, I woke up this morning feelng like death warmed over, and I've had a cough the last couple of days.  Otherwise okay; no fever, no runny nose, no sore throat.  Just achey muscles and a cough.

In other news... The Country Omega comes out tomorrow!  I think I will probably do a fairly obnoxious blitz on Tumblr & Twitter tomorrow, or maybe starting tonight, so feel free to ignore me if you like.  And there's already two reviews/ratings for it on Goodreads, which is kind of exciting.

And I can hear Andrew stomping around somewhere (Charlie is napping) so I should probably check in on him and see how he is.  He complained about a headache this morning, but when I offered Tylenol, refused.  And he doesn't seem sick otherwise, just bored.

(I know, bored, with a metric ton of snow outside.  But then, it's also cold, and he refuses to wear a hat or gloves no matter what I do.)

charlie, cute baby monday

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