(no subject)

Jan 14, 2016 20:57

Okay, Twitter is just amusing me.  I'm still not entirely sure how to make it work just yet, or what exactly I want to do with it in the long term, but so far, it's just funny.

1. Someone named Will Smith is following me now.  I'm 99% sure this is not the actual Will Smith, because there is no checkmark next to the username, and I think that's supposed to mean the person is the actual person, right?  I can't for the life of me figure out why this person is following me.  (But this is the case with most of the random follows from non-fandom folks.)

2. I've also been followed by a few Mommy blogs.  At least one of them has a decided Christian bent.  I can't wait for when they realize what I and go screaming into the sunset.  Of course, I get why they're following me, I've been tweeting about parenting more often than I'd anticipate, because I keep coming up with things to say that are less than 140 characters, so I think I've been noticed that way.  I'd like to think they're checking my blog before following, so theoretically, they're at least aware from the bio that I am writing m/m romances, but then again, maybe not.

3. I've already been unfollowed by at least three people, though one of them apparently is because their account was suspended or deleted, so perhaps that doesn't count.

4. There's apparently a Twitter that is more or less a clearinghouse of anything marked with various romance tags; it's retweeted two of my Tweets about The Country Omega, both times when I used a few key tags.  I've followed, just to see, and yeah - it's basically non-stop advertisement for various romantic books of every kind of genre or pairing or whatever.  But it's got nearly 3,000 followers, and every time it's retweeted, I get a few more clicks on the accompanying link.  I can't really feel bad about that.

5. I've downloaded a client for Twitter that allows me to queue things, and track what happens to what I tweet when I use it (and stuff like who retweets and replies and clicks on the links within).  It's mostly foolproof, although I've noticed it doesn't really catch everything.  But it's nice at a glance.  I'm curious what everyone else uses, if anything.  There seem to be a ton of apps and whatnot specifically designed for Twitter; maybe there's something a bit better or more reliable.  (The one I've got now is Buffer; it's very user-friendly and I picked up on how to use it on the laptop in no time, but I don't much care for the phone app version.)

6. If you are on Twitter and I am not following you yet, please feel free to yell at me and remind me of your Twitter name. And if I am following you, and your username is not obvious, remind me who you are because I need to start another cheatsheet of who is who.


In other news:

1. Andrew has appointed himself Head Dishwasher.  I don't know exactly what brought this on, but now every time he clears his plates after dinner, he feels the need to "wash" them.  Results are mixed, and usually still crusted with food, but the intention is totally there.  I think he just likes to play with the soap in the sink - he's always liked doing that, he'll wash his hands ten times over because he wants to watch the bubbles overflow.  I would totally make this his chore, except he's six and he's using half a bottle of dishwashing soap to clean a single fork.

2. My parents want a hardcopy of The Country Omega.  I went online to the KDP forums to see what other self-published authors suggested, and found a bunch of people whose solution was "JUST PRINT IT OUT ON YOUR OWN COMPUTER, LA, DONE!" Which might be an indication of the types of people who self-publish.  (I am not doing that, incidentally.  If more people want it, I'll see what I can do, but I don't really plan on having hardcopies anytime soon.)

2a. Obligatory link to The Country Omega on Amazon.  Obligatory link to The County Omega on GoodReads.

3. I'm watching a neighbor's 2-year-old son for the morning and possibly part of the afternoon tomorrow.  FREE TIME, WHAT IS FREE TIME, I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF SUCH A THING.

4. I have to admit, I've sort of been enjoying the publication stage of this process.  The only trouble is that it's taking up just about all of my time.  Someday, I might actually get to write something again. That would be nice.
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