(no subject)

Apr 11, 2015 08:57

1. A friend gave us a $50 gift certificate for Amazon.com for Charlie, and I have no idea what to spend it on.  No, seriously, we have enough clothes, a good amount of blankets, plenty of feeding things, seats, etc, and I have no idea what's new and awesome in baby toys these days.  And I don't want to spend it on diapers, because at some point I'm going to switch Charlie over to cloth diapers, but I haven't figured out when.  (Probably when his poops are more solid.  So I figure I have a bit of time on that end.  No pun intended.)

2. My mom and I have taken both kids on two road trips this week - first to Richmond on Tuesday, and yesterday to Hampton.  Tuesday's plan was to get new bras (because lo, I have boobs that cannot be housed by anything sold by normal stores, and also I like bras that actually fit properly, I am such a snob), and then take Andrew to the Children's Museum.  He was super good at the bra store (yay for iPads) and the museum was packed to the gills, but he had a lovely time.  Yesterday we had to hit the Babies R Us, because Charlie has outgrown the Level One nipples two months early and I hadn't bought that far in advance, and then we took Andrew to Chuck E Cheese, where he spent at least 75%  of his tokens on the motorcycle racing game.  He is getting really good at that game.  He was beating ten-year-olds, which is awesome for him and really sad for the ten-year-olds.  "Hey, man, watch out for that five-year-old on the motorbike, he can ride."

3. Mod duties intervened yesterday, and I finally sat down and posted the Tuesday 221b intro post on reading221b.  I meant to post it two weeks ago, but... well... Charlie.  (He is such a handy excuse; I plan on using him as my excuse for everything that I can't use Andrew as an excuse.)  Anyway, the Tuesday221bs should be fun, go over there and look.

4. Mom and I have finished watching Season 1 of Orange is the New Black, and greatly enjoyed it.  Though I have to admit - it's a bit weird to be sitting on the couch watching a show next to your mom and then suddenly there is hot lesbian action on the screen.  Worse when you're holding your newborn son; I didn't know where to look.  Anyway, we both really enjoyed the show, and now we both want to see Season 2. Which isn't out yet.  Grr.  (How can it not be out?  It's Netflix, right?  So doesn't it go straight to video anyway?  I am confused, can someone please explain?)

(I think what I enjoyed most was watching the shift in characters, particularly with the guards.  The guards you thought would be cool, like Healy and Bennet, are slowly turning into assholes (okay, Healy is full-blown asshole, Bennet has his moments), and the guards you thought would always be assholes, like the red-headed female guard whose name I don't know and can't find, are actually turning out to be sort of... well, good.  (Because she has shown a bit of heart the last few episodes, in that she actually seemed to care about the kids and there were a couple of other times she was nearly kind.  Heck, even Pornstache was... okay, not exactly redeemable or forgiveable, but I did sort of feel for him, in that he's obviously seriously starved for love and affection.  Character development, and three-dimensional bad guys, I love it.)

And now the children are awake, and that's the end of that.  More later.

andrew, charlie, television viewing

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