Title: Snowstorm Switcharoo
Fandom: Sherlock BBC
Characters: Sherlock, John
Warning: See summary
Rating: PG
Summary: There is snow in London. Unfortunately, there is also an orchestra, or at least some background music. You may never sing Jingle Bells properly again. I’m sorry.
A/N: The twelfth installment of the Advent Calendar Drabbles. Today’s fic is titled with a shortened version of the prompt, given by auntiesuze, who requested a switch-up of the typical snowed-in scenario. Basically, she did not want John and Sherlock snowed in together. So I wrote something else instead. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.
The tune is the classic Jingle Bells. If you’d like to sing along to music,
here’s a handy-dandy link for you.
Sing along on AO3