(no subject)

Dec 06, 2014 22:14

First and foremost:

My original short story, Glass and Mirrors, was published in an anthology last month.  The Kindle-version of the anthology is on sale until Wednesday for the low low price of absolutely nothing.  This offer is good for both US and UK customers.  There’s a bunch of good stories in the anthology besides mine.  You have nothing to lose except storage space on your Kindle.

US: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00P72L24O

UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Other-Days-Kimber-Camacho-ebook/dp/B00P72L24O

Okay, business done.


I am about ten days ahead on the Advent Calendar Drabbles - which is pretty good, I like to be a week ahead, and I'm really going to need the wiggle room because my parents are coming to town next week.  Which is awesome, because yay free babysitting, but will still probably end up eating in my writing time so yay for being ahead of the game.  So far, I've written stories that continue four different series (Fiddle, Hearts, Power Play, and Dangerous Games), and written in all three of my current and previous fandoms, so I'm feeling pretty good right now.  I've also done the typical, "Yes, that's a lovely prompt, I'm going to ignore it now" that I usually do.  I don't know why anyone bothers to prompt me, honestly, I never pay attention.

At the moment, though, I'm trying to decide what to do with tomorrow's story, and specifically whether or not I should post an extended author's note with it.  I don't usually like extended author's notes.  They tend to end up being all preachy and holier-than-thou and full of self-importance.  And...I admit, I wrote one for tomorrow's story, and now I'm reading back on it and... yup, it's all preachy and holier-than-thou and full of self-importance, and seeing as how I hate that sort of thing, I'm pretty sure it would be hypocritical to post it.

(Also, I'm not entirely sure it's necessary.  Then...I'd be posting it seperately, here on LJ, so it would really be up to the reader if they wanted to read it or not, since they'd have to link to it from AO3.  And some people might actually want to know all the thinky thoughts that went into tomorrow's story.  (There are a lot of thinky thoughts; let's put it this way, Bill did research for me for tomorrow's story. Bill. Research.  I mean, he's the king of weird research, but usually he just tells me where to look, he doesn't actually do it himself.)  Then again, they're probably all incorrect thinky thoughts because I'm not actually a historical researcher, I just pretend to be one for the sake of writing fic that is only mildly historically accurate.  See Example A, the Medieval Omegaverse, where books are plentiful and men get pregnant*.)

*This is meant to be a joke.  I know men cannot actually get pregnant.

Anyway, I have something like eight more Advent Calendar Drabbles to write... and then I have to figure out the next plan of attack, which is definitely going to be editing of some type.  I am 95% certain it'll be the Medieval Omegaverse, if for no other reason than the fact that it's shorter, though I think it'll require the most work.  But if I can get that in a workable shape, I get shove it to the next stage of beta, and then maybe start posting before Series 4 airs.  That would be nice.

(Really nice would be to write something that isn't Omegaverse.  Which is fun, yes, but.... I've written very little Omegaverse during the Drables, and I have to say, it's so nice not to have to deal with pheromones and estruses and frenzies.  Oh, flist, I am so flippin' glad we live in the normal world.  You have no idea.  Unless you also read/write a lot of Omegaverse, in which case, you probably do.)

I have an idea, though, for another original story, but I'm afraid it would be a bit longer than a short story, and apart from the tiny little germ of a concept, I don't know much else about it.  Though I think it could be funny.  If I ever have time to think about it some more, let alone write about it.


To do list, because if it is here, I am accountable:

1. Finish the Drabbles.
2. Edit Medieval Omegaverse
3. Finish writing Alpha 2
4. Finish full edit on Alpha 1 and Alpha 2
5. Write Heart4.
6. Finish writing Mystrade beginnings fic.
7. Play with original story idea some more.
8. Write more Fiddle.
9. Make the bed in the guestroom so my parents have somewhere to sleep.
10. Feed child so he doesn't starve.
11. Feed cat so she doesn't starve.
12. Pay attention to husband, who does nice things like research for me, and can also reach the stuff on the tall shelves.

to-do list, talking about fanfiction, writing

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