Okay, so technically I finished this baby announcement back in Egypt, but was unable to mail it for various revolutionary reasons. And then we got to the States and somehow it got lost under a pile of stuff and so I only managed to mail it out on Wednesday, and I was just informed today that the family received it, and thus I'm able to share it with all of you. (I like to hold off on sharing 'cause I figure the parents should get to see it first.)
Anyway! This is Baby #3 for this particular family, and I did announcements with book themes for the first two kids, so I figured I should stick with the theme for #3. I knew that the mom really liked the
Llama Llama series (she's given one or two of the books to Andrew), so I thought that would be a good thing to do. This ended up being the most detailed baby announcement yet - some 70 colors, no backstitching, all full stitches. (In the end, probably a bad move - I think some backstitching might have helped, but eh. Live and learn. One of these days I'd love to take a class in how to design/convert a pattern, because I'm terrible at it and it's what I want to do most of the time.)
The Facts: The picture was drawn by Anna Dewdney, who writes and illustrates the Llama Llama book series. The image itself is from a gift card; I used a cross-stitch conversion tool to turn it into a pattern. There's about 70 colors involved (most of which are various shades of browns), and it took me about six months to do. All full stitches on 18-count baby-blue Aida fabric, the finished size is about 7" tall.
(The older siblings, incidentally, have Goodnight Moon and The Little Prince as their subjects.)
Baby announcement bingo continues - I've got one that's nearly done, one that needs its name and birthdate, and one that I need to start on shortly. And given my luck, I'm sure someone else will announce their pregnancy any day now.