Writing Meme Answer #5

Feb 18, 2014 20:20

More from the Writing Meme.

amberfocus wanted to know #5: What inspires you to write?

Good lord, I wish I knew. Sometimes it's a picture, like I'll see a particular expression or color or shape, and the story just pops out. Sometimes it's a quote, and it resonates in a way that makes me think of something specific. Sometimes it's a gift, like the little Sherlock notebook Bill got me for Valentine's, and there's a list of "Rules of Deduction" in the back that I swear is screaming to be turned into a Johnlock story. Sometimes it's a conversation, like the email conversation I had with EGT a few months ago that might turn into Heart4, if I ever get around to it. (This would probably be news to her, unless she remembers the conversation.)

Sometimes it's everything. Sometimes it's biting so fast I can barely keep up. Sometimes it's like pulling teeth, and I'll find any excuse to not write at all. And sometimes it just sneaks up on me, and I'm not writing, because I've written, and I have no idea how I got from Point A to Point B.

writer's block, writing

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