In which I grumble. Nothing to see here, move it along.

Dec 17, 2013 18:01

Today was a fairly horrible afternoon - the morning was all right, but it seemed like the fates were against me from the moment Andrew got off the school bus. We were supposed to go to lunch with Bill at Chik-Fil-A, but two warning lights came on in the SUV (which is my car), so Bill ended up driving it to the dealership (where he spent the entire afternoon and had to walk a mile before he was able to find something to eat for lunch, so his afternoon wasn't all peachy keen either) and I transferred Andrew's carseat to the sedan so we could go on our own. We should have stayed at home; the normally 20-minute drive took 40 minutes because there were not one, but two car accidents along the way, and then when we got there the place was overrun with a school group of ten year olds who had taken over the restaurant. Andrew didn't want to eat anything; instead he went into the playspace and started spitting at another kid, and did not get a balloon when we left (not that there were any, all the schoolkids had taken them) and he threw a fit because he wanted to stay. Speech therapy went well once I spent five minutes convincing him that no, he really did have to go in and learn how to TALK, and afterwards, he was completely excited to go to Santa, so we went to Santa, at which point we realized that Santa was on lunch break for the next 45 minutes. So he played on the train tables nearby and would keep popping up every five to ten minutes to see if Santa was back. And then when Santa did return, he refused to get in line and hid behind me every time Santa waved and started screeching "NO SANTA" when I suggested we get in line. I even tried to bribe him with a cookie; no go.

And then he fell asleep in the car on the way home - this was close to 4pm - which any parent of a toddler realizes is the Kiss of Death as far as bedtime goes, so I cranked the volume on the radio and opened the windows and kept yelling "ANDREW WAKE UP" and Andrew kept yelling back "NO I SLEEPING." Needless to say, it was a fun ride for everybody.

Don't get me wrong, I know it could have been MUCH worse....omg, this week especially, I can name half a dozen things that would have made it such, fandom-related or otherwise. After all, no one was injured, the car as it turns out is fine, Andrew is in good spirits, Cleo is safely inside the house (after chasing some deer outside), Bill is in good spirits despite his own wretchedly boring and unproductive afternoon. I'm healthy, safe, have running water and a roof over my head, and at some point, there will be turkey pot pie for dinner. (Also, garlic naan, because dammit, this afternoon sucked and it's in the freezer.)

Perspective, people. It is all about perspective.

All the same, I would like to know who I pissed off at noon today that they cursed me with such a crappy afternoon.

Dear Whoever I Pissed Off,

I'm very sorry. Please accept my most sincerest apologies, and also, this turkey pot pie. Or if you are a vegetarian, this zucchini. The garlic naan is mine, though.




Dear Jiffy Lube,

Next time you change the oil in my car (which you coincidentally did this morning), REPLACE THE DAMN CAPS LIKE YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO. OMG.

No love,



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