This is assuming, of course, that the sign-up sheet I signed at the Women's Club meeting at the beginning of September, the one for a Writer's Group, doesn't actually materialize into an actual group, which would involve me writing something that is not fanfic. It's not that I don't want the group to materialize - I actually really do, because I miss my Cairo group, and I asked another woman who I know signed if she'd heard anything, just in case my email was typed wrong (which is often is). But...not this month. Too much fanfic to try to put to bed.
So, the current plan is that I'm going to use Nano this year to finish off the half dozen fanfics floating in my brain. And if I can manage it, I'll do another Advent Calendar, because it's fun, and this Christmas isn't going to be the easiest, and it'd be nice to have something nice preceding it.
In order that I'm thinking of them.
1. Finish edits and coding on Mise. This include typing up the remaining recipes.
2. Get as much of Fiddle settled and set, if not written. It seems to have taken over my brain - which is a good thing, of course, but it's hard to concentrate on anything else when I'm constantly thinking about it.
3. Finish the Hearts one-shots and prequel.
--Prequel (Aurora Holmes)
--One shot (John and Percy)
--One shot (John's unexpected trip to the doctor)
4. Possible Hearts 4. Not sure I can write this yet.
5. Sequel to Power Play.
6. Finish Beginnings (WIP Mystrade for Curlyboff)
7. Wait, aren't there parts of Things That Sherlock and John Won't Do that I never posted?
8. Oh, wait. The Sherlock 60s. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Argh. I should have just made Fiddle this year's Nano project. I'll probably hit 60K or so before it's done. (I hope not more. One 150K+ fic is enough for anybody.
And, of course, I have to write Andrew's birthparent letter. Well, that'll be a nice break from the fanfic mid-month, when I'm desperately going to need it.