Report from Coffeehouse #2

Aug 21, 2013 11:36

Atmosphere - Very different from Coffeehouse #1, which was dark and dim and full of old-world vibes. This place was bright and cheerful, and set in a strip mall where half the stores have closed down, which does make one wonder about longevity. But the coffeeshop itself was busy - I had some trouble finding a table until I went into the way back, and then the only one available was one larger than I needed (which made me feel a bit guilty but not by much). Apart from a nearby table full of gossiping housewives, there wasn't much for people-watching, though.

Service - Very quick; the cashier brought me my drink as I was setting up at my table. I asked if there was a trick to the wifi; she brought me the codes a moment later.

Drink - The iced mocha was pretty tasty. I even had a choice between Swiss chocolate and dark chocolate, which was a nice surprise. (I got Swiss. I'm curious about the dark; I think if I went with dark, I'd want whole milk instead of skim to balance it out and also provide a bit of extra sweetness.)

Croissant - Small, but very good. I don't think anyone in France died from despair. I will say that the pastry selection looked utterly awesome, and I could smell quiches and other savory things being heated up while I was there, and they all smelled divine.

Writeability - Not tested. I spent most of the two hours doing what I term as "housekeeping": coding and posting today's chapter of Mise, as well as finishing up a beta of kizzia's story. I also decided to link to the tiramisu recipes at the last minute, and it took a bit to find them again and set those links up. By the time I was done with all of that, I had twenty minutes left of power to my laptop, and there wasn't a plug nearby I could use. Further testing required. Which, given the menu, is not going to be a hardship.

That said....I really liked the atmosphere of the first coffeeshop better, and you can't beat 1K of porn in one go. But this one was definitely conducive to housekeeping and the sort of things where I don't much care if the atmosphere is right or not. Plus, way fewer tourists - I got the sense that it's definitely a neighborhood dive, whereas the other one is smack in the center of tourist central, so there were a lot of vacationing families. Not a bad thing, but does give a place a different sort of feel.

Wednesday seems to be coffeeshop day; I'd like to think I'll get to one sooner than next week, especially as I have to finish up that Mystrade fic soonish, but we'll see. I got blindsided by the fact of Wednesday, because usually I have my coding done well before, and today it caught me by surprise. I don't think having Andrew's day off from school on Tuesday helps; maybe I should change my posting day? Except Wednesday seems to be a good day, I'm not running into anyone else at the moment.
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