Short Updates regarding the saga that is my life this week

Aug 14, 2013 16:31

1. The phone never showed. SURPRISE, SURPRISE. The warranty company is sending me a check to cover the cost of a replacement. Note I am not holding my breath, nor am I purchasing the phone until the check shows up.

2. Andrew's second day of preschool went well, if you ignore the fact that he screamed for five minutes after I left and was leaning toward me, arms outstretched, as I went. Ouch.

3. I got to read the OT assessment yesterday during Andrew's speech therapy appointment. It was...about what I expected, except for the conclusion: "Andrew would benefit from OT." Um....yeah, so not what I'd come out with last week. Anyway, I reiterated that I'm totally fine with Andrew doing OT now (because I am, if they think it's needed), so he's signed up to start next week on Wednesday afternoons. Is miscommunication from the OT a good or bad sign, and does it really matter when the alternative is a one-year waiting list?

4. I checked out the first of the local coffeeshops for writability. I figure my menu basics are an iced mocha and a plain croissant. Coffeeshop #1 rated as follows:

Atmosphere - Nice, a bit dark, totally reminds me of a converted 1800s tavern (it might have been, actually), a little noisy and busy, but not overly so.

Service - Mostly good. The ladies behind the counter were cheerful and jokey and totally friendly. Couldn't figure out the wifi, which is both a good and bad thing, frankly.

Drink - Good. Not the best, but definitely not even close to the worst.

Croissant - Sourdough. I kid you not. It tasted all right, but I'm pretty sure half of France's population died while it was being made.

Writeability - 1300 words with barely a pause, all porn, so I'd say excellent.

5. I can't find my Costco card. This is mildly problematic, mostly because I discovered the loss while in the Costco parking lot. (Andrew was asleep, and I didn't want to wake him and end up with a grumpy toddler in an effort to see if it could be easily replaced.) Thus, we are out of bread, and Andrew's getting tomorrow's sandwich in a tortilla.
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