(no subject)

Apr 09, 2013 20:39

Today was the first day since Andrew returned to school that I didn't have a million things to do in the morning. Sunday was a bunch of random little appointments and errands, and yesterday was Writer's Group, so today I dropped him off at school and high-tailed it home, made some popsicles and then packed up the laptop and went off to Beano's, where I spent a happy two hours alternately writing and staring into the middle distance, and ended up with a chapter and a half of Heart 3. (HURRAH.) I plan on doing the same thing tomorrow morning.

I should go to the gym, because it's been too long, and I have Neverwhere waiting to be loaded onto my iPod shuffle so I can listen to it on the elliptical machine, but I am being lazy and enjoying the writing too much. I also feel like if I ignore Heart 3 any longer, I'll never actually be able to write it.

The weather's turning warmer; I've been keeping popsicles loaded in the common room freezer downstairs, which has consequently made me the most popular mom in the complex. (Today's offering: strawberry with balsamic vinegar. Tomorrow: peach raspberry, with some banana thrown in because I have some overripe bananas and they give a nice creamy texture to the finished product.) I've also been sneaky and added veggies to a couple of the popsicles (spinach and carrot, so far, though one mom is lobbying for parsnip). So far, none of the kids have noticed or complained.

Writer's group was good yesterday, for all that I wasn't entirely jazzed about going. But here's the funny thing: so I'm submitting bits and pieces of the O.S., right? Well, I was told in unequivocal terms that I'm not allowed to submit it in drips and drabs anymore...because the majority of the group wants the whole damn thing, all at once, preferably last week.

Which is both awesome, and incredibly scary. The problem is that I've been sending the group the "new" version (which is still two years old), where I was rearranging the scenes to occur in a different format. And I never actually finished the rearranging, and looking and what I did, I can't for the life of me figure out where I stopped. Which means I have to read the thing from top to bottom, in several versions, in order to figure out what the heck I was thinking.

I like the story, but we're talking over 700 pages for just one version, and the idea of having to do this is...well, making me want to write Heart 3 instead, which ought to please the people waiting for it, if not my writer's group.

So...yay, and darn. Well, at least it's darn for a good reason. Now if I could only title the damn thing....

talking about fanfiction, original story, writing

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