(no subject)

Mar 28, 2013 20:45

Andrew's last day of preschool before Spring Break today, and an early release on top of that. So I dropped him off and then proceeded to race around all morning trying desperately to get the shopping done and finish filling out a chapter for Mise (porn, which I find really tricky to write most of the time).

Andrew, despite waking up at the ridiculous hour of 6.30 this morning (after having woken me up at 12.30 by crawling into bed with us and booting Bill into the guest room), was in a really good mood, which at least made the afternoon enjoyable. (I was worried he'd be in a foul mood due to lack of sleep.)

He's talking a lot now - well, there's still a good chunk that is babbling, for lack of a better description, but a lot of times it's very clear and everyone understands him, and then other times I have to ask him to repeat himself. And he sings. It's hysterical, he'll start singing something completely random, like Jingle Bells as he's chasing Sebastian around the courtyard. And then Sebastian will join in so they're both singing Jingle Bells, except they never really get past the "Jingle Bells" part, which doesn't seem to bother them none.

(He's also way into the Wheels on the Bus at the moment, complete with movements, which is very helpful for determining which verse he's on.)

The following conversation, however:

Bill: Andrew! Kentucky!
Andrew: *blows raspberry*
Andrew: Yay Cowboys!
Andrew: Yay Red Sox!
Andrew: Yay Tarheels!
Andrew: Go Brewers Go!
Bill: Andrew, what's your name?
Andrew: Name!
Me: You're not allowed to teach him any more sports phrases until he can answer what his name is when asked.

One more chapter in Mise and I'll hit the next stopping point, I think - and only because I'm not entirely sure what should happen next. That is - I know what's going to happen, I just haven't quite figured out how. Then again - I might figure it out once I've written the chapter. I thought I was at a stopping point a week ago, and then I figured out one bit and boom, the rest came pouring out and I had to actually write a 2-page synopsis that I've been more or less following for the last week. I'm not too far from the end - maybe another 25K - and I have to go back and wedge a couple of scenes in to make the current storylines work. Such is the life of a writer who doesn't believe in outlines, I guess. Usually I leave holes for myself, but I don't think I left any for this twist.

On the bright side, though - I've been coming up with ideas for Heart3, so I figure this is a good time to switch focus for a few days. The only problem is that with Andrew's school being closed, the only time I'm going to have to write anything is in those hours first thing in the morning, before he wakes up, because generally I'm too wiped by the time he goes to sleep to even think about writing. Half the time I'm too tired to even cross-stitch (though I will admit I'm kind of in love with my current project, which isn't Erised and isn't a baby announcement and is a SURPRISE, and should be done next week sometime).

andrew, talking about fanfiction, conversations, writing

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