Cute Baby Monday!

Mar 25, 2013 14:21

Yes, yes, lax about posting, etc and so forth. Next week is spring break which is just prompting all sorts of excitement around here. I have become very used to having my mornings to myself. I like my Andrew-free mornings. Don't get me wrong, picking Andrew up at school is definitely a highlight of my day, but that's because it immediately follows around four hours of Andrew-free time.

There's supposed to be an Easter parade on Friday, which means I have to decorate a hat for Andrew. I have NO IDEA how I'm going to do this, because (a) Andrew does not wear hats. He seems to think they are not a fashionable thing to have on one's head. And slightly more important, (b) Andrew does not own a hat that fits him. We do, however, have lots of baseball caps that fit his father's head, and I'm thinking to do something with that, but Bill has already demanded to know exactly what I'm going to do to the cap, which I can't tell him because I haven't figured out what I'm going to do yet. I'm half tempted to try attaching cars or trains to the hat, because if you're a boy, and you're going to wear a hat, you want it covered in trains and trucks. And mud, but I'm not going to offer that as an option.

In other news, Andrew's been talking more and more. He's gotten to the point where he talks all the time, but it's hard to tell what he's saying. And then he'll pop out with a perfectly understandable sentence: "Look at all the cars!" Which would have been truly awesome, apart from the fact that it's five words long, had he actually been looking at cars at the time. (He wasn't, he was looking inside the courtyard in the center of the complex, where there are no cars. Well, maybe the parking lot, but you can't really see that from where he was standing.)

There are those of you who will likely be thrilled to hear that Andrew pronounces "zebra" as "zehbra", instead of "zeebra". I think it's kind of cute and am making no effort to correct him; I'm also pretty sure he'll outgrow it once he no longer has British teachers. In the meantime, feel free to add that to the list of Reasons Why Andrew Is a Time Lord.

Yay for Dental Health!

Andrew tries to woo the kitty. Or the train. Not sure which.

The story with the cat whiskers: so they're apparently reading the adventures of Maisey the Mouse in Andrew's class at school, and the teachers, for whatever reason, decided to give all the kids whiskers and mouse noses. No problem. Except then one of the kids looked at the other kids and immediately went, "TIGER", and they all started growling at each other. So much for Maisey. Tigers clearly are way cooler.

(I left the whiskers on until his bath that night, because seeing everyone's reaction to them was too funny to resist.)

cute baby monday

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