So the writer's group I joined last week...we're supposed to submit something tomorrow, no more than 2500 words long, for the rest of the group to read and critique.
And...I have nothing. I didn't write anything new in the past week - I barely had time to work on either Mise or Heart3 - and I looked at some of my old stuff and I don't particularly want to submit much of that, either. (Well, there's one short story I wouldn't mind submitting, but it's well above the word count.) I really don't want to submit any of the fanfiction, because I don't think that's fair, so I'm sort of stuck.
Doesn't help that I still don't quite know what I would write for them - I don't have an original story idea at the moment, I don't feel comfortable enough to share what I've written years ago without going over it myself first, and we weren't sent home with any sort of prompt to get us started. I'm just...stuck.
I feel a little like I'm showing up to class without having done the homework, and knowing the teacher's going to call me on it.
So, I think I have three options here.
1. Swallow my pride and send them something old. I can run through it while I'm determining how much to send, but surely it can't be that awful, can it? (Don't answer that.) And I do know that the O.S. needs help, desperate help, from any quarter, and maybe this quarter could be useful.
2. Search & Replace function in Word. Take a fanfic and replace the names with something else and pretend it's not fanfiction.
Because that worked so well for Donna. (I admit, this is probably a fairly crack-tastic option.)
3. Apologize profusely and ask for a slight extension of a few days, under the assumption that everyone's going to be reading everyone else's work first anyway. And then buckle down and write something, anything, perhaps with the aid of finding an online prompter of some sort (flist, I'm also looking at you. HALP).
I don't particularly want to start off on the wrong foot. I really liked the writer's group in Bishkek, I'd like to leave this one in good standing, which might spur me on to find another writer's group when we move to our next post.
Poll It should be noted that people who vote for the Leopard and/or Tiger will get Internet Hugs and Kisses.
Edited to add:
So I ended up sending in an excerpt from the Original Story. It's 35 words over the limit, but I'm going to assume no one will chastise me for 35 words. We'll see what happens.
But by all means, keep voting if you haven't already, because if more people vote for the tiger, perhaps EGT will take pity on us.