Cute Baby Monday!

Feb 18, 2013 17:41

I have been terribly lax with the CBMs, I know, and now I've got a backlog. But because I'm also short on time and can't properly go through the backlog, I'm going to go with the most recent photo of Andrew and I will try to give you Andrew picspam next week.

Anyway, as my father-in-law is visiting this week, we went on a falucca ride Saturday evening. It was gorgeous on the river (yes, that one) and the sky was so clear we could even make out one of the Pyramids. The last time I went with Andrew on a falucca, it was just me and him and two other families, and Andrew was a wild man who spent the better part of two hours attempting to dive head-first into the river. This time, there were three of us against one, and it was nearly even. At least Andrew didn't get wet.

Sailor Boy

In other Andrew-related news:

1. We had our second gymnastics class since returning to the UL. Once again, Andrew threw an absolute fit upon arriving (despite being all excited on our way), and refused to stay for the class. None of us have a clue what's going on - he loved class before we left for the holidays, absolutely adored it, never wanted to leave. And now he won't even go in the room. I'm trying to decide if I should just throw in the towel and ask for a refund, or give it another week and try again.

2. While trying to convince Andrew to go in, he turned to me (twice) and requested the potty. "Okay," I thought, and we went off to the potty, where Andrew diligently sat and...did nothing. I half think this was an attempt to get out of going to gymnastics.

3. And perhaps tied into all of, my rant last week regarding childcare expectations and what not? Well, the irony in the request was because I actually was trying to arrange for someone to get Andrew from preschool on Sunday (yesterday). Which I did - I had our housekeeper pick him up, because all the other preschools were off for President's Day, and thus my backup mommies were staying home. (I've picked up their munchkins on occasion, so I'm owed.)

Anyway, it went...well, not great. Andrew loves Nita, and Nita loves Andrew, but he clearly was not happy that I wasn't there. He asked Nita where I was. He asked his teachers where I was. When Nita arrived back at the complex, Andrew asked the guards where I was, and when his favorite guard, Hazem, tried to tease Andrew and get him to play, Andrew flatly refused to even look at him. He spent the next two hours sulking and demanding me and when he didn't get it, he demanded to get in the stroller and have Nita walk him in circles. (Perhaps on the theory that she would take him to me?)

And when I did finally get home...Andrew clung and did not let go. I couldn't even leave the room without Andrew coming looking for me. (Not wailing or crying or throwing hissy fits...just coming down the hall calling "Momma!")

So...the end result is that yes, Andrew will leave school with someone else. But he won't be happy about it, and he'll make sure I know it afterwards.

Which makes Wednesday's writer's group meeting potentially very interesting. I still haven't quite decided what to do about that...

cute baby monday

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