I will never say anything bad about the Irish again.

Mar 22, 2012 19:18

Not that I ever did, mind you - I think the worst I ever said was how I didn't like Angela's Ashes, but now I actually feel guilty for not making more of an effort to wear green last Saturday. Last night, I found a four-leaf clover. First time I've ever found one. Probably the only. Today, I got an email from Bill telling me that our passports and visas were ready to be picked up. What's more, I went and collected them and they're now in my possession, and not lost in a sea of inter-departmental mail hell. In one sense, I'm sure these two events are not at all connected, that this is all some fantastic coincidence. In the other...I've always believed in karma, particularly when it pertains to parking spots. (Car-ma.) I think that belief has been extended to four-leaf clovers. Which isn't to say that something won't still go wrong - already, I've been told I need additional paperwork from the vet for Cleo. But on the whole, I'm feeling more positive about the move than I have in weeks. I think Andrew senses it, too - he seems much happier and bouncier and less willing to get into trouble than he was yesterday or the day before. I still think he'll end up crawling into bed with me tonight - but for the first time in weeks, I don't mind too much. In the meantime....now to set about pressing the clover. I don't know how long the luck lasts, but I plan to keep the clover indefinitely.


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