(no subject)

Feb 02, 2012 20:58

Extremely fun day with Andrew today, although I really couldn't tell you why. I woke up this morning determined to have a good day. It might have had something to do with the fact that I had insomnia last night and couldn't get to sleep until 5 this morning - I kid you not. Luckily, Andrew slept until 8.30, and thus, so did I, so I at least got a little sleep, but the cards were kind of stacked against me. We ended up having eggs for breakfast and then went to the mall so that Andrew could run amok in the playspace, which he actually did. (Sometimes he turns into Clingy!Baby, and sometimes he just escapes and makes a break for the nearby fountains. Once he actually made it into the fountain. This kid puts Carl Lewis to shame. Well, Carl Lewis and Harry Houdini.) We went grocery shopping, Andrew fell asleep on the way home, had a one hour nap, which is almost as obscene as me sleeping three hours last night, and then we went to the park and played outside for a good 90 minutes. And then he actually ate fish for dinner. FISH. IN HIS MOUTH. CHEWED AND SWALLOWED. It was awesome.

Also, I made rice pudding.

And now he's asleep. Theoretically, anyway; I put him down at 8pm and he hasn't made a peep, so it's possible he's awake and reading all his books one by one, and will let out a holler demanding more books in a moment. You never know.

Speaking of books, I finished reading The Hunger Games about a month ago, and put myself on the library's request list for the next two books in the series. Yesterday, I got a notice that Book #3 is ready for me to pick up. Book #2? I'm #70 in the queue. There's around 130 copies in circulation, though, so chances are pretty good one of them will be mine before I actually have to retrieve Book #3 next week. I'm curious if the movie will be shown in the theaters in the Unmentioned Location; we never went to the movies in Kyrgyzstan, and I'm sort of sorry about that now, because I'm sure it would have been an experience.

(Then again: we were in Kyrgyzstan when the last part of the Star Wars prequels came out, and it was available on DVD one week after its release date. Only in Russian, of course, but let me tell you, George Lucas is much improved when you have no idea what anyone's saying.)


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