Hurricane? What hurricane?

Aug 28, 2011 09:54

There's sunlight streaming in the windows, and though there are still clouds in the sky, there's definite blue patches becoming larger by the moment. When I woke up this morning, we had power, though there was evidence of a power loss around 2am which lasted maybe two minutes.


Now, I get there there are a lot of people who lost power and are still without power, and yes, there were six hurricane-related deaths which is very sad, but honestly? For us, that was nothing more than a very long rainstorm.

(Although I'll bet you anything that the old apartment in Maryland has been without power for two or three days. Probably since the earthquake. Ah, Pepco, you couldn't find the lightswitch if you were given a guided map and had your hand placed directly on it.)

Andrew's still got his runny nose and cough. Cleo woke him up shortly after 7am, so he didn't get his full 12 hours and is now a raging maniac. Because of the cough, I don't particularly want to take him outside yet until the sun's had its chance to dry out the ground, nor do I want to really take him to a public (germ-infested) place. Besides, I suspect places will continue to be closed for a few hours longer, until everyone's sure that Irene has passed us by. After dealing with cranky-baby-throwing-fits-about-anything-and-everything, I caved and turned on Toy Story. As long as it stays sunny, I plan on putting him in the car after lunch and forcing him into a nap.
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