Reaction Post: TW 4.04 - Esther, oh Esther.... (also, Jack, a word?)

Jul 31, 2011 22:37

Dear Esther,

OMG, Esther. What did you think was going to happen when you called Child Protective Services on your sister?!?! OF COURSE they took the kids! OF COURSE they put your sister in the loony bin!

Frankly, the only thing that surprises me about that turn of events is that it happened so quickly. 24 hours, no less! That's some fast work by DC's CPS right there, what with them being understaffed and overworked as it is.

Seriously, Esther. I don't care how crazy your sister is; chances are your nieces were better off with her than in any foster situation DC's CPS could provide.

With Eye-Rolling Affection,


Dear Jack,

Dude. Esther goes to see her sister, Rex goes to see his dad, Gwen gets twenty-seven phone calls from Rhys. Everyone important in the episode dealt with family, and now you've got some mysterious person from your past knocking at your door.

Granted, RTD knows the difference between subtlety and a 2x4 (unlike other DW-related writers we could name), but I'm willing to bet there's a relative of yours involved somewhere here. After all, we've already had a very subtle reference to Steven, and your involvement in his death (you know, that whole confrontation with Oswald last week).

Could all of this be the work of Alice? Hmm. It's a theory. I rather like it.

(Also, Jack? You looked awesome all tied up to the servers like that. Keep up the good work.)



torchwood, reaction post

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