Attempt to Post, Take Two (Notes from the Road, except we're not on the road anymore)

Jul 29, 2011 06:57

I just want to clarify that the first time I wrote this, it was funnier, sharper, and way more comprehensible. And sadly, lost to the internets. *sigh*

Andrew's sleep schedule has been all screwed up since returning home on Tuesday. Which I suppose is to be expected, but it surprises me how hard of a time he's having readjusting. It's our fault - while we were gone, we let him sleep in the bed with us. It was the only way we could get him to sleep at all, frankly. (Also, we stayed at Bill's aunt's & uncle's house in Connecticut, which we discovered upon arrival wasn't air-conditioned, except for the bedrooms. And this was a seriously hot weekend to be in Connecticut. I was scared to take him out of the a/c, honestly, and I don't think Andrew much liked leaving it, either.)

So, return home, commence screaming at bedtime. The first night, he went down at 10pm, but woke at 2am and refused to go down again by himself. At one point, he slithered out of my lap (I was trying to rock him into submission), marched over to his bed, grabbed his blanket and his bunny, and proceeded to our room, clearly under the impression that he was going to sleep with us. It would have been cute, had it not been 2am. Wednesday night, he protested very loudly for about 45 minutes before falling asleep. Last night, he protested for twenty - so it's getting better, but he woke up at 5am and crawled into bed with us, and neither Bill nor I were awake enough to protest.

That, and he's got a cold. Toddler colds are the worst; you can't actually give anything to help, and Andrew's big enough to protest using the nasal aspirator, which means there's snot everywhere. We were supposed to go to the House of Bounce yesterday morning, but I backed out because I didn't think bouncing snot was a good idea.

I missed on posting Cute Baby Monday, first because the hotel we were in on Monday didn't have free internet access (and I refuse to pay $12.99 for an hour of internet), and then LJ's been sporadic since we got home. But there's a bunch of photos for this coming Monday, so we'll see if LJ manages to recover.


Further Conversations from the Road:

Me: We are now traveling on the Jewish War Veterans' Memorial Highway.
Bill: Does that mean the deer are circumcised?
Me: I don't know, I'll check.

Bill: Andrew needs to have his first Friendly's experience.
Me: Experience is a good word for it.
Bill: You can take a picture.
Me: Oh, sure. "Here's Andrew, age 20 months, at his first Friendly's experience. Here's Andrew, age 24 months, at his first Friendly's experience."

(Note: We took Andrew to what is apparently the only good Friendly's in the universe. Not only was our food delivered in a timely manner, but Bill even got the mustard for his burger at the same time as his burger. This NEVER happens. Exit 42 off Interstate 95 in Connecticut, people. Mark your maps.)

andrew, travel, conversations

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