(no subject)

Apr 22, 2011 09:44

Man, my mommy group is full of wimps.

So the group was planning to go to Reston Zoo this morning. Yesterday, some of the mommies started making noises, having looked at the weather report, which predicted *gasp* rain. The mommy in charge of the outing was calm, though, and said, "We'll make a decision in the morning."

So this morning, Andrew woke up just as I did, and there wasn't a chance to check my email until about half an hour ago when I figured, "Screw it," and turned on the Muppets. (Current viewing: Sam the Eagle doing Stars & Stripes Forever.)

The meetup, which was supposed to commence at 10am? Cancelled. Rain.

The actual forecast? Cloudy and cool this morning, no rain until 3 or so, and then very light.


So in about fifteen minutes, I'm going to brave not the weather, which is negligible, but tearing Andrew away from Muppets so that we can go and see actual animals, and not Muppetized chickens/bears/penguins/etc. (Also, Andrew has recently starting mooing. I feel the need to reinforce the mooing by showing him a cow, and Reston Zoo has cows.)

I'm not sure if I'm so blase about this because we have a membership to the zoo and don't have to pay the $12 to get in, or because HELLO, it's not even supposed to rain until NAPTIME, and if we stayed in every time a drop of water fell from the sky, there are weeks when we'd never actually go out. (And I'm saying that as a person who, having grown up in the desert, thinks water falling from the sky is intrinsically wrong.)

So yesterday, during Andrew's marathon three-hour-nap (I KNOW, IT WAS AWESOME), I stared at the current prompt for drabble_las for about five minutes and then opened the file containing the Original Story, which I haven't actually looked at in...um...a few years, as it turns out. The date on the file was 2008.

I started reading. Man, was I wordy at times.

And then I did this really crazy thing. I started editing.

I hate editing.

I still like the basic story, but I can also see why it would make an agent run screaming for their teddy bears. Forty-five pages in and I was still building suspense, which I don't think is a good sign!

No idea where I'm going with this now, of course - but it was fun to read again. I don't know that it's a good use of my time, but it was an interesting (if non-productive) way of spending Andrew's nap.

on motherhood, original story

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