Bill and Sherlock Holmes

Jan 01, 2011 20:40

So I'm rewatching Season 5 with Bill, who hasn't seen it before. We've only watched the first two episodes, and he has decided that he likes Amy Pond. *sigh*

He also finds The Crack! to be extremely annoying. Perhaps we can forgive him for liking Amy Pond.

Anyway, the first disc of S5 contains a preview/advertisement for BBC's Sherlock Holmes. Bill started watching it, and had the following reaction:

1. "Hey! That's the naked guy from Love Actually!"

2. "Hey! This isn't taking place in the 19th century!"

3. "Hey! It's the wrong time period, but Watson was still in Afghanistan!"

4. "Hey! I think I'd like to watch this."

I'm not sure which of the first three was the deciding factor in number four, but eh. Beggars, choosers, etc. I did have the foresight to download the first episode, anyway, so we'll give it a shot. You know, when we find the time in between watching Big Love S3, Doctor Who S5, The Tudors S4, and oh, that's right, raising the baby.

television viewing

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