Dear Cleo,
I realize the baby has been the bane of your existence today. However, it is not necessary to check how the bedtime process is going, no matter how worried you are that it's taking entirely too long and there is a chance that the baby has possibly eaten me. I assure you, the baby has not eaten me; he's just not entirely willing to go to bed, despite the fact that he is exhausted from having chased you around the house all day. Please know that every time you enter the baby's room, he feels the need to wake back up, because as you are his Favorite Thing In the Universe, he must watch you at all times, forgoing sleep if necessary (and it is always necessary).
So, Cleo, please, STAY OUT OF THE BABY'S ROOM.
Dear Andrew,
The cat will be there in the morning. If you stop watching her, she won't disappear. You can trust me on this, and in the meantime, GO TO SLEEP.
"You know, I don't think I actually have a driver's license yet...."
"Why did no one tell me that hay is SCRATCHY?"
"Oooooooooooooklahoma, where the wind goes something something something....."