(no subject)

Sep 04, 2010 15:54

I'm pretty sure Andrew is both teething, and attempting to switch himself to a two-nap day. He went down for a nap at 1.30 and it's nearly 4 and he's still asleep. He also skipped lunch (which was supposed to be around 2pm; I really thought he'd be up an hour after he went down).

On the plus side, he's been going down at night without a bedtime bottle of any kind, which is all sorts of awesome. (He's also slept through about half those nights without needing a bottle until around 5 or 6am.) Last night was particularly difficult: the neighbors next door had a party that lasted until midnight; the house alarm decided to announce that it had a low battery every four hours, and continue announcing until I went down to acknowledge this low battery; the cat decided to pay Andrew a visit, and it took an hour to get him back to sleep in his crib.

(After which, the cat, seeing I was up anyway, decided to inform me that her bowl was devoid of food, and please would I rectify the situation? Now, if I would be so kind.)

I think I maybe got two hours of consecutive sleep last night. I would join Andrew in the nap, but I had to prep some veggies for his next week's meals (broccoli on Tuesday!), fold the laundry, print out some photos to send to the great-grandparents, and eat my own lunch. Also, I hate naps. I never wake up feeling refreshed, I just feel cranky.

The annoying part is that it's gorgeous outside today, and Andrew is upstairs asleep. Today would have been an awesome day to go to the Renn Fest in Maryland - nice and cool and breezy. But alas, the traffic by now is abysmal and the baby still slumbers and will wake up starving.

I should probably go play with the cat. Poor cat.


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