Aug 04, 2010 08:09
So "Bath, Bottle, Bed" did not work last night, but I don't know if it's because Andrew changed the game plan, or if it's because the grandparents showed up an hour before we started the new non-routine. We had about an hour of screaming, during which said grandparents held up remarkably well and did not attempt to sneak up the staircase to comfort the not-sleeping baby, but I could see the glaze of "OMGHELP" in this eyes.
I also discovered the downside of the Bath-Bottle-Bed plan. Usually I clip Andrew's razor-sharp fingernails after his bath, while we're chilling and watching the Wiggles sing about fruit. But according to the BBB plan, there is no room for Wiggles, so no chance for me to clip nails, so Andrew got to gouge out my neck while he protested the Bed part of the plan.
Anyway, Mommy Boot Camp this morning, and then home, where I get to hand the baby over to his grandparents and run away screaming. (I will probably run only so far as down the street, where I will treat myself to a pedicure and possibly lunch without an infant who wants to know what I'm eating so that he can see if gravity works on it. Gravity usually does, but he never believes me.)