(no subject)

Jul 13, 2010 09:44

I don't understand how, but Andrew doesn't like white potatoes. Day Two was yesterday, and I've given up. He had two bites before clamping his lips together nice and tight and refusing to even consider another bite. He was at least willing to take a third bite of avocado. Potato, not so much.

So today, slightly early according to my baby food book, we had apples. Technically, I'm supposed to wait until he's 8 months old, but that's on Sunday, and I couldn't find either organic green beans or organic asparagus at the grocery store yesterday, but organic applesauce, they have in spades.

Day One Applesauce: so far, a hit. He chowed down all but two bites and then said, "Okay, enough of this tom foolery, bring on the real food: that is to say, my milk. WHERE IS MY MILK?????"

I have to wonder why I'm bothering with organic at all: it's not like Andrew actually eats the stuff, it's more for decoration than anything else. It's not "What do you want to eat", it's "what color would you like to wear?"

Today's Goals, because if I write it down, I stand a shot at accomplishing it:

1. Finish the current chapter of the Bingo Card fic, which has yet to be named, but deserves something utterly ridiculous as befitting its plot/writing style.

2. Start writing wendymr's prompt. Except I have the feeling whatever I write is going to detour to something else. (Still Pudding 'Verse, but not quite what Wendy ordered.)

3. Do something with the blueberries in the fridge, the ones I found for $1/pint in my eternal search for organic fresh-not-frozen green peas. I failed in the peas, but how do you turn down $1/pint blueberries?

andrew, to-do list, talking about fanfiction

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