I blame the bunnies.

Nov 09, 2008 21:17

It's only 9.15, but I feel like it's much later - this is probably because Bill and I ate dinner at a normal hour, instead of going on 9pm like we have recently. So now it's an hour or so later, I feel like we should be going to bed. Even if it's only 9pm.

I also added to the word count on the Nano novel, entirely by accident. I really, really thought I was done for the night - and then I had to go and read my flist, and some comments on said flist, and the end result is, I wrote *gasp* smut. Just under two thousand words of it.

Those responsible know PERFECTLY WELL who they are. I think wiggiemomsi's bunnies might have had a hand in it, too.

Dammit. I'm not supposed to be writing smut. I'm supposed to be writing a very serious novel comparing the different roads a single person might take and how those roads will lead to very different lifetimes that nonetheless resonate with each other.

(Ooo. That sounds good, as a summary of sorts. And it actually makes sense.)

29,949. I'm actually tempted to write another 51 words exactly, so I can have a nice round 30K by the end of the day. And anyway, my weekend goal was 25K, so I'm feeling pretty good regardless. And I know where I'm taking AU Stephanie next, although I'm not entirely sure about NYU Stephanie.

But NYU Stephanie just got majorly lucky, so I'm not too worried about her.

Originally, I stopped after "she didn't back away." And then then were bunnies. Damn bunnies.

This time, when he stepped inside to kiss her, she didn’t back away, but met him full force, her arms wrapping around his neck, while his hands found the skin between her shirt hem and the rise of her jeans. Dimly, she heard the door slam behind him, and then she felt the wall hard against her back.

His mouth was hot, but the rest of him was cold from being outside in the January air. She shivered as his fingers trailed up her skin, under her shirt, and she reached to touch the hair curling on the nape of his neck. It was hard to breathe; he pressed against her, almost lifting her up against the wall, trying to keep her even with him, and she pushed down on his shoulders, trying to help. His mouth snaked down from hers, drifting down her chin to her neck, and Stephanie’s head rolled back of its own volition, giving him better access.

“Really,” he murmured against her skin, the words in his throat rumbling against her fingertips. “Glad...you....rang....back.”

Yeah...first-draft smut, and technically speaking, I think this makes the fourth smut scene I've ever written, if you don't count the still unfinished Nine/Rose sitting on my harddrive. (It gets about two paragraphs every few weeks or so. Someday, I might finish it. Probably by the time we're on the twelfth Doctor, at this rate.)

Not exactly smutty, is it? But none of the rest worked as a snippet, so that's what you get.


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