(no subject)

Oct 20, 2008 06:33

Today is going to be a long day - Bill and I have a class to attend right after work, so there's not much point in me coming home in between. This also means facing an extremely annoyed and hungry kitten when we get back, since Cleo's dinner will be several hours late.

The experimental cupcakes yesterday turned out...interesting. The angel food cupcakes for the most part turned out pretty well. The coconut-chocolate frosting...yeah, not so much. But most of my failures have been associated with frosting, so I suppose it's to be expected. *sigh* I did figure out how to do a coconut-chocolate cream sauce, though, so that might be handy. For ice cream. Or something.

Anyway, pictures will be up later this week, when I have time to type the up.

In the meantime, a meme, from shinyopals.

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee!

Hee! This is one of my new ones. I think it was Friends that started this idea. The theory is that in a relationship, each person is "allowed" to have a set number of celebrities with whom they'd be allowed to...um...have a little extracurricular fun, and your partner wasn't allowed to be upset, because it was mutually agreed upon beforehand. Every so often, Bill and I joke about this. We've agreed on five, but I've only got four on my list. Used to be five, but Heath Ledger, sadly, is no longer available.

The four here, in order: Colin Firth, David Tennant, John Cusack, Antonio Banderas. And Bill, as an afterthought. :)

(I can't remember all of his five, but I think Keira Knightly and Kate Winslet are on there. And possibly Julia Roberts.)

This is a scene from an online comic strip I follow on occasion (I'm bad about checking on a daily basis). It's called Questionable Content and I find it very, very funny. Here, Hannelore, slightly drunk, is fluffing Faye's hair.

Well, it's funny in context.

I tend to get overdramatic. This is why. I should probably fix this icon, actually, it's a bit hard to read. It was one of the first I made myself, though, and it's sadly appropriate far more often than it ought to be. I use it when I talk about theatre, mostly.

My friend freedomfry made this one after the sixth Harry Potter book came out - She actually did one for each of the chapters. As I recall, they were all non-spoilery, but I can't remember why she did them. There was some sort of catalyst - I think people complaining about spoilery icons.

One of mine, not my favorite. I wanted it to sort of fade from one frame to the next, and I couldn't get the program to work, but uploaded it anyway. The character is from one of the Disney movies, I forget which. (Very lame, I know.)


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