Crossroads - A Blue Gravel Path (10/13)

Oct 20, 2008 06:29

Title: A Blue Gravel Path
Characters: The Doctor, Rose Tyler, among others
Warnings: PG. Oh, and it’s baby!fic.
Spoilers: For the sake of this story, S4 never happens.
Beta: runriggers

Part of the Crossroads series
A now AU and non-S4 compliant story. Ah well.
Part One: Reflections
Part Two: One Day
Part Three: Choices and ChancesPart Four: A Blue Gravel ( Read more... )

fanfiction, crossroads, doctor who, a blue gravel path

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Comments 20

earlgreytea68 October 20 2008, 11:22:49 UTC
I woke sad about having to go to work, so I treated myself to checking LJ, and hurrah! This chapter was so lovely. The Doctor is seldom this confused and lost in fics, and I love the way you still don't lose sight of his Doctor-ness.


azriona October 21 2008, 10:41:27 UTC
Anytime I can make someone's day brighter is an excellent one. :) I'm glad I could help! :)


shinyopals October 20 2008, 11:50:51 UTC
Hee, I love the Doctor forcing himself to stop to lick the gravel. All the different things he remembers are interesting, and I like the way it leads back to him remembering Rose in the end.

Aww, the Doctor remembering Carissa was sweet. And I love the interaction with Jackie - how she knows him and he doesn't know her, until he suddenly remembers and they're back to the usual banter almost straight away.

I liked Carissa letting him see their years together like that.

Yay for Jackie going with him. The lines about her being the last to remember Rose were very sweet and sad at the same time.

I look forward to the next part! :-)


azriona October 21 2008, 10:44:36 UTC

I love the Doctor forcing himself to stop to lick the gravel.

Well, he is the Doctor, sort of distilled, and he's got this oral fixation... *grin*

The lines about her being the last to remember Rose were very sweet and sad at the same time.

Jackie makes me melancholy, particularly the way I've written her here. She did such a horribly hard thing, giving up Rose way back in Reflections, and it's really reverberated through the rest of her life. I think, had she and Rose actually been separated, she would have turned out to be very bitter, and very sad - and I think the Doctor always knew this.


(The comment has been removed)

azriona October 21 2008, 10:47:55 UTC
Thank you!

I love the way you've interspersed his past regenerations into this

It was fun going through the past Doctors and finding quotes. The only one I missed was Eight (and Ten, but somehow that didn't matter so much), because I couldn't find anything quite right, even if I opened up to the books and radio plays. But I really wanted all of the past Doctors in here, because he really is sort of walking through his life, kicking up his own memories.

I also loved that the very first thing he remembers is Rose, even though he can't quite figure out who she is just yet. But then, that might just be the Doctor/Rose shipper in me talking. ;)Sort of, but it's the Doctor/Rose shipper in me writing it. *grin* I justify it by saying Rose is the most important person in the world to him - so she's going to float to the surface no matter what he does. And we've already seen in canon that when he loses all sense of self (as in Human Nature), Rose is still such a strong force for him, she's the only name he remembers of his past life. ( ... )


salimali October 20 2008, 20:01:50 UTC
That was just beautiful. I loved it all, too much to mention, but especially the Doctor's confusion about Rose, he didn't really remember her but he seemed to know she was important
Update soon x x


azriona October 21 2008, 21:35:55 UTC
Thank you!


cailetls October 20 2008, 23:07:00 UTC
Ooh, interesting! And I like that final Third Doctor quote so much I may end up using it as a sig line on my e-mail.


azriona October 21 2008, 22:49:57 UTC

It's a great quote, isn't it? I had so much fun picking out quotes - so many good ones!


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