A Poll and some Loot

Oct 11, 2008 18:16

Now, when it comes to writing parodies of musicals, it only counts if folks know the music. Which is why I found for the HP musicals, it was helpful to have people tell me which musicals to parody. Except with Les Miserables, not too many people requested a musical. So I'm left with something of a conundrum.

Two musicals received two votes each - everything else received only one. I'll admit I'm tempted to parody one of these over the other (for the very simple reason that I've done the other for HP already, might be fun to try a new one), but I also don't know the music AT ALL. So, I'm going to leave it to all of you.


Edited to add: *headsdesk*...people. The point is to AGREE on something. I could just go digging in my musical drawer and parody the first CD I pull out. (In fact, if "yak" wins this poll, I think that's what I'll do.)


In other news, excellent estate saleing today. The house in Old Town was EXCELLENT, big and beautiful and just off King Street. The other houses were okay, but that one was definitely the winner. Today was a banner day for estate sale loot, I tell you.

This week's haul:

2 White House Christmas ornaments (1996 & 1997)
2 folding chairs ($10 for the pair! woo-hoo!)
anthology of T.S. Eliot
1833 copy of The Young Lady's Book, which is hysterically funny
Mr. Spock Christmas ornament (long story)
sewing supplies for Noel

And a pot. Except we're not sure it's a pot. It's very pot-like, and it was in the kitchen. But we think it's insulated, sort of - very thick sidewalls - and so it might be one of those ice-keeper-things. No tongs, though. All the same, $4 and pretty, so I bit.

I like it, anyway.

estate sales, photographs, poll, doctor who

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