(no subject)

May 11, 2006 08:43

I am in what I'm blithely refering to as "negotiations" with Arena to return there full-time next season, instead of the part-time Joe and I decided upon in January. We'll see what comes of it; really, I'm good either way the cookie crumbles. Full time, I get more money for a house and travel expenses but less time to look for said house or go on said travel; part time, I get less money but more time. Bill is of the opinion that financially speaking, I don't need to work, but the idea of spending six figures on a house and not working scares me silly.

I finished off the short story with edits (after a week of letting it sit); reports back from the one beta I sent it to say to continue sitting, and then send it out. I'm good with that, as I can't really market it at the moment anyway - shifting addresses, no idea where to send such things anyway, etc etc. Anyway, it's as done as it will be at the present moment and while walking to Baku yesterday I thought of another story idea, and even the first paragraph, except as I was walking I didn't write it down and now I've only got the barest memory of that absolutely brilliant opening line. Damn.

(Speaking of Baku, I got 24.32 miles last week. The embassy leader has 44, damn him. So far, in the past three days, I've accumulated upwards of 15 miles. I am well on my way to at least beating last week's mileage, even if I'm not going to catch up with him.)

In other news, there is a cream soda in the fridge. Bill brought it back from the States for me.

Bill: Are you going to drink the cream soda?
Me: Yes, eventually. I'm saving it.
Bill: For what?
Me: For the right moment.
Bill: Isn't now the right moment?
Me: No. I want to savor it, because once it's gone, I won't have another one for two months.
Bill: I brought a cream soda for you all the way back from DC and you're NOT DRINKING IT.
Me: But it makes me happy every time I see it chilling in the fridge!
Bill: Waiting for you to drink it!
Me: But then I won't have it in the fridge anymore!

See, I think it makes perfect sense. Plus, Bill's annoyed, which is a bonus.

(Speaking of which - well, speaking of Bill, not Bill being annoyed, although it's lots of fun - Bill is continuing to post more random polls on his journal. Most recently: the Politics and Foreign Affairs Knowledge Quiz, Easy Version. He's working on an Intermediate Version. He's also working on the next Tournament, but we're having trouble deciding if it should include 19th Century Writers or Duos. I'm thinking a smackdown between Upton Sinclair and O. Henry could be all sorts of fun. He's thinking the Ambiguously Gay duo v. Penn and Teller, which could also be fun but in an entirely different way.

(Regardless, go friend him if you want to keep up with the quizzes, because I've been very lax recently in pimping them, and he likes getting high vote counts.)

arena, walk to baku, short story, conversations

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