
Oct 05, 2005 13:14

I know I've seen this one floating around, but I haven't seen it very lately and I'm curious. Thus:

Oh, Lurkers, I'm looking at youIf you lurk here - and that means you read this journal without leaving commentary within, regardless of whether or not you have this journal friended - tell me how you found me and why you're sticking around and what ( Read more... )


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nishatalitha October 5 2005, 23:48:43 UTC
It was the Peter Paper - I think I got an email telling me I could find it through your lj, and found it interesting enough that I never quite stopped. Plus, I crossstitch...


azriona October 6 2005, 02:04:35 UTC
Hmm. I must have used one of your fics for it, then, because I only sent those emails to the people who give me the use of them. I got an email the other day about the Peter Paper, actually; someone presenting at TWH is going to use it in her presentation on villians in the HP world.

Are you on the cross_stitch community? I like it; we all post links of our WIPs and finished products and just generally tell each other how wonderful and talented we are. *grin* There's a girl over there whose current project puts Erised to shame. (She's cross-stitching that painting of Napoleon on the horse!)


nishatalitha October 6 2005, 09:06:26 UTC
Yes, I wrote one of the Peter-had-good-intentions-really type - By Love Betrayed, Myst. And, well, your journal is interesting (still haven't managed to work out where you are, through lack of trying and lack of general geographic knowledge).

I'll have to check out that community. I have a feeling that a scanner might come in handy for showing my current WIP. The icon attempts it, since I fuzzed out what I haven't done yet, but the size makes it hard to see. The red lines divide it into the eight A4 patterns pieces I have. I'm half way through the second...


azriona October 6 2005, 10:00:14 UTC
I remember that one, OMG, I was so excited to get your permission for it. I still rec it to people.

I'll probably announce where we are once we're no longer here. In the meantime, no big whoop, it's enough to know we're in Central Asia and leave it at that.

Scanners are good; digital photos are also good. Most developing places will put your photos on a CD for a few extra dollars, which is helpful. Anyway, I like the community; it's fun to count up how many of us plan to do Frederick the Literate at some point. *grin*


nishatalitha October 6 2005, 10:34:23 UTC
OMG you remember it! Wow, that is so cool! And you still rec it to people. Wow. *temporarily speechless as is overcome with delight*

Frederick the Literate is cool. I have a library, so I may have to do it one day. On the other hand, I just found out about Golden Kite, and I've been looking through them, and there are already a couple of pieces I want to do. And there's the blackwork sampler I want to do next, and more Mirabila and...


azriona October 6 2005, 11:05:09 UTC
Golden Kite is amazing. Erised isn't anything close to that stuff, but wow. I get goosebumps whenever I go over there. If they had some of my favorite Monets in their inventory, I'd buy them in a heartbeat. But I like their site; I learned about parking from them, which is helping tenfold on Erised.


nishatalitha October 6 2005, 11:38:11 UTC
Parking? Haven't run across that term before.

I am still continuing to look through Goldne Kite, and have built up about three or four for a wishlist. So far. And I still have six and a half pages on the Water Dragon (if I finish this one this year, I'll be doing well). The Napolean project is incredible, though.


Parking azriona October 6 2005, 11:48:45 UTC
If you look at the links for "The Project", it's in there. It's where you stitch row by row, and when you finish a particular color in one section, you move that thread to where it will next be needed, "parking" it in the lower left hand hole of the appropriat square. You don't tie off the threads until they've gotten short or you won't need it for ten or more squares, and I've found that it really helps move the project along.


Re: Parking nishatalitha October 6 2005, 13:01:15 UTC
Ah. I used to do that sort of thing with the mirabilia patterns I've done. It hasn't worked with my dragon - I kept making miscounting and making mistakes, and the colours are similar enough at points that I have a really hard time telling them apart. So I started completing each row before I move down, and while it decreases the speed at which I'm working, it increases accuracy, which is what I'm really interested in. :)

The current row (almost finished) is of average length for the pattern so far, about 50 stitches, and has 12 colours in, mostly in one stitch sections about 5 or more stitches apart, and three or four is my arbitarily imposed limit for jumping.


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