(no subject)

Apr 03, 2021 20:50

 A thousand years since I posted here, but I'm going to jump right into it so apologies if I mention something that doesn't make sense. It's not you, it's me forgetting what I have and have not said.

I started reading Chryse's new Johnlock fic today. I was going to wait until it was posted in full because I no longer have the memory for a sustained WIP any longer, but I ended up actually able to have a sick day today, which I've been needing to do for a few days and wasn't able to do until now. (Several reasons: I've had a cold that is not covid, and it's laid me very low, and I had my first covid jab yesterday, which wasn't helping.)

Anyway, I figured to pass the time by reading the fic. I figured it would be heavy but was interested in what they'd do with it, as the story is meant to be a take on The Handmaid's Tale, a story I've always found endlessly interesting. And sure enough, it was as heavy as I thought it would be, super complex (as is any omegaverse version would be). There's some typical omegaverse twists that I've never cared for in my own take on the world, but hey, they added to the essential horror of the dystopia so hey, I'll go with the flow.

But it did make me think, because in a lot of ways, it reminded me a lot of my Alphaverse. Not in a plagiaristic way in the slightest - the stories aren't the same in the slightest - but the overall feel of the piece. Chryse's story is very dark and twisted and her dystopia is terrifying, not familiar and yet with elements that could be familiar. And really, it's the same sort of feel I wanted to achieve with the Alphaverse, and I've never been sure if I managed it.

Every so often, I think on the Alphaverse, and wonder what to do with it. I'd like to do something. I have half a mind sometimes to try to scrub it (is it scrubbing, if it's never been posted in the first place?). But honestly, I'm not sure I could. Every time I wrote Sherlock and John, I embedded them so deeply into the characters, I don't think I would ever been entirely successful at getting them back out again. And I have scrubbed things before, it's insanely difficult work, and not something I'd do lightly again because most of the time, I don't think the results hold up nearly as well as the original.

I'm not opposed to posting the Alphaverse as fanfic, anyway. But I've also never been sure of its reception. It's problematic in ways that my usual fics aren't. Even the one person I showed it to, once upon a moon, so long ago that I doubt she remembers reading it - even she said it was problematic in a way she didn't know how to fix.

I do wonder, though. Reading Chryse's fic today... I do wonder, what would happen, if I posted the Alphaverse. Or even read it over again. It's been years since I looked at it, and I'd like to think maybe I've grown as a writer since then.

I'd probably be horrified. But at the plot, or the style, that's the question.

Anyway. Hello. It has been ages since I have written a journal entry, because every time I try, I overthink what I'm writing and delete it all.

Cross-posted from Dreamwidth. Comment in either location.
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