(no subject)

Apr 29, 2020 17:13

 The first three days of School on Meds have been pretty good. Andrew's attitude has been more or less even-keel, and with few exceptions, nothing really throws him. He still finds ways to procrastinate, but changing tasks is so much faster and with little to no complaint - he's even done it once or twice on his own, without prompting. And the few times he has been upset by something, he takes a moment to sulk, and then bounces right back again. Previously, when he was upset, he'd go to the bathroom and stay in there for almost an hour. Yesterday, he did it - but he was in the bathroom for maybe two minutes. And that's the only time he's needed to do that, too.

(And the stimming has gone wayyyyy down since he started meds, too. In fact, the only time I remember him stimming was that first day, when he went and stimmed for a good twenty minutes when the meds wore off. He hasn't really done it since that I've noticed.)

I've been trying to track when it feels like the meds kick in, and when they wear off. Judging by three days probably isn't worth it, but it's strange. The first day, it really felt like it was 90 minutes before they kicked in - but today, I swear it was barely half an hour after he'd popped his pill before he was at the computer, dressed and ready to begin. (I mean, procrastinating by reading on Epic instead of doing schoolwork, but hey, dressed and sitting at the computer on his own volition! That's something!) I feel like it lasted longer too. First day, I swear the meds had worn off three hours after the dose - but both yesterday and today, it was harder to tell, and his focus remained (mostly) throughout the afternoon. He even had a hugely raucous video chat with friends this afternoon, and when it was over, I asked him to complete one last project for school. AND HE DID IT, immediately, without whining.

(Granted, it was "take a picture of the art project we completed during the video call" so it's not like it was strenuous or anything, but because it meant delaying his iPad games, that's something that would have generated a lot of complaining and whining last week.)

I'm pretty sure Bill is still skeptical of the whole thing, but... honestly? I'm sold. Even if this is the limit of his prescription and the doc says remain at this dosage for a few more weeks - this is SO MUCH BETTER than it was before, I'm ecstatic.


I'm debating on changing up how I Twitter. I've been Twittering more often in the last couple of months, still more in a lurker mode than anything else. I'm trying to decide if I want to create an "azriona" account there, and let Pen loose in the fairly active #writing community there.

The way I see it, there's a couple of advantages to that, one of which was highlighted to me a few days ago. I've long suspected that most people forget that Pen and azriona are the same person, but now I've got proof that it's true for at least one person. I was randomly followed by another writer, and as I usually do, I went back to look at that person's Twitter. Turns out they also straddle the bridge between professional writing and fandom - Sherlock, to be specific, and one of their recent posts was of their favorite Sherlock fics. They'd highlighted EGT's Saving Sherlock Holmes - as you do, it's a great fic - but one of the fics they also mentioned in their list was Mise en Place.

Anyway, I liked most of the things they were posting, because I hate reading straight up advertisements on writing Twitter, so I followed them.

The next day, they reached out to me over DMs. And as it turned out, the reason they'd followed me was because they'd figured out I was a Sherlock writer... but the wrong one. Somehow, they thought I was emungee, who wrote the Ain't No Sunshine series (John/Lestrade, John is a nanny to kid versions of Sherlock and Mycroft; really good series, I recommend it if you like that pairing). I had a good laugh, they were mortified, I reassured them it was fine (because it is!), life went on.

But it does sort of prove my hypothesis, on a very small scale. And I'll be honest - it does hurt that I see people on Twitter who have been on my various friends lists for years as azriona, and they've more or less ignored me as Pen. Maybe they have their own reasons for doing so - in fact, in one case, I'm almost 95% sure of it, and that's okay too - but it does sting.

Obviously, creating an azriona Twitter wouldn't instantly bring me happiness (or the number of followers I had on Tumblr, which were probably all bots anyway, I was never able to successfully tell), but I'd probably have more freedom tweet or retweet certain things I don't necessarily want linked to Pen.

Or vice versa. I've been looking more and more at the #writing community on Twitter, and it's pretty active. Problem is... it's active with other writers, whose primary goal seems to be self-promotion and a lot of writerly activity that I think the majority of my followers don't really care about. This might be my lack of comfort with Twitter, but I don't particularly want to fill up other people's feed with me commenting and liking and reblogging writers lifts or random books or articles or... well, anything that isn't just normal life. And if I separated the two online personnas out (azriona v Pen), I could take them both in those opposite directions without worrying about pissing anyone off.

On the other hand... like I said. I can't stand writer's accounts that are just self-promotion. They bore me. I don't want to see you blather on about your book five times a day, I like seeing random pics of your cats and jokey observations about life and stupid memes that you want to RT. I don't mind if there's promotion when a new book is out and I don't mind writerly discussions once in a while, but the rest? Bleh, nothankyou.

(Rainbow Rowell's Twitter is very good at this balancing act. And sometimes, so is JKR, though she obviously has her issues. I like Scalzi, too, but I can't follow him because he posts so much, I never see anything else.)

I don't want Pen to turn into what I dislike, because then I'll end up ignoring it. Much as I did Pen's Tumblr, which was so sadly ignored that I don't even put the link in the backmatter anymore.

So it's a quandry. I don't know which way to go. The fact that I've been doing this for over five years, and I still don't know what I'm doing, that probably says something. Something that probably isn't terribly complimentary toward me.

(Any ideas, thoughts, things I should consider, totally welcome.)
Cross-posted from Dreamwidth. Comment in either location.


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