People I was talking to on AIM last night: Sorry I died in the middle of talking and/or RPing. This computer sucks. :P I'll be back on later tonight.
I thought my iPod was dead yesterday. I wouldn't charge, turn on, or reset properly. Managed to get it to reset today. Yay! \o/ I knew I named that damned thing Bert for a reason. It has issues. (And also, The Used lyrics inscribed on the back. LOL)
Speaking of music, did you guys know
Rufus Wainwright did a Christmas song? I DID NOT! Apparently it's called "Spotlight on Christmas" and it was on some sort olf Elton John Christmas compilation for Starbucks. I heard it in a Starbucks the other day and went wtf?! LOL. I'm so behind. He has a CD/DVD of his Judy Garland performances out now and I don't even have them yet! Woe is my. Such a bad, bad fan!
Meanwhile I'm so excited about the promised Fall Out Boy and My Chem DVDs next year that I could spit! Oh the times they are a-changin...
I spend fifteen minutes today trying to explain bandom to my sister's best friend. That was fun. XD So much gay! How can it be covered in just 15 minutes?! I described it as "Six Degrees of Pete Wentz's Tongue." I think that's pretty accurate! I also think I shall have to make a pimping/primer post for her and my sister soon, so then maybe I can stop filtering the slash posts. Ahahaha.
Maryland's mass transit system sucks donkey balls. Srsly. There's just no freaking way to get anything done around here without a car. *bitch bitch moan moan* Boo. Get with the program, Maryland. Jeeze.
The speculation has begun as to what I might be recieving for X-Mas. I love giving and recieving gifts! OMG I ♥ X-MAS! What other time of year can I rationalize spending way too much money on shit that isn't even for me? LOVE. I need to finish the art I am making my parents (and step-parents) and find some wrapping paper that isn't too ugly. Heh.
But yes, back to X-Mas speculations. I know what my sister is getting. Mwahahaha. I wonder if I might be getting a digital camera. That would be amazing, because then I could really start that photoblog I've always wanted to do ever since I bought the domain name It's also possible I might be getting a polaroid camera? That would be fun, too! Everyone loves polaroids!
My mother tends to give me money for X-Mas, which is always fantastic given how much I love to shop in the few days after X-Mas. I have plans to possibly buy a Holga camera. Or maybe a copy of SimCity Societies. Or this really cute stuffed bear I saw at Bass Pro Shops.
OMG I LOVE X-MAS! *flails* :D
I just hope people like what I've giving them. XD Then again, who doesn't love free stuff? Srsly.
Tonight we are decorating the tree. I have to admit I find tree decorating to be the least favorite of Christmasy events. I think it has something to do with the rather odd and sometimes downright ugly assortment of ornaments my parents have for their tree. Haha. Seriously, though, the tree looks a bit like a junk shop plus greenery. XD It's sad. But in the end it looks pretty OK. It just takes a lot of...finessing.
Random bandom moment of the day:
Pete Wentz rocks the shitty rent-a-cop mustache. His mullet is his superpower, man. I'm just sayin'...