Let me ask you, Hey! Have you heard of my

Jul 01, 2007 13:31

There's a really interesting discussion of monogamy and such going on over at addictedkitten's journal. Go and read my views on humans as dogs and stuff, as well as a ton of other people's take on the subject. It's really fascinating, the variety of responses.

One of these days I'm going to make a really long post on How To Save the Human Race Through Polyamory, Eugenics, and Social Darwinism. It's going to be EPIC. If I believed in religion, maybe I'd start one. LOL.

- 28 reasons the iPhone Sucks
- Apple Uses Models With Big Hands to Make iPhones Seem More Compact
- iPhone's Japanese Competitors: Superior and Cheaper
- 50 More Reasons the iPhone Sucks (With Added LJ User Street Cred!)

It's OK, Pete. You've got the cash to burn. Now go buy Ashlee something nice, you wanker.

Despite the valiant efforts of Gerliza and Whitesides, I find my MCR/The Used bandom in a slump right now. *le sigh* It's partly because I've been unable to see MCR or The Used live at all this year, but was able to see Fall Out Boy and the FOBettes (aka the Honda Civic Tour). I'm generally not a huge fan of live music, because most bands sound better on recordings, but the energy of a live show can really breathe life back into the somewhat hollow pursuit of fandom.

I'm sure it'll pick up again.

As much as I hate to admit it, I'm worried a bit about Bert. Hmm. Godspeed, McCrackface. Trust me, the fandom wouldn't be the same without you. I mostly fear for Bert's sanity if he doesn't come through throat surgery 100% as he used to be; if it's unsuccessful or if his voice changes, etc. I know that's a long shot, but whatever. What the hell else would Bert McCracken do if he wasn't in The Used? Seriously. I think he actually pondered this himself in an interview once and he couldn't come up with an answer, either.

"OMG poor Patrick." "He wants...in exchange for... That's just...that's...EVIL."
sobota, I love you right now. Truly madly deeply.

Work commences in less than a week on the Thesis Project. I am excited, in a way, but also not. It's not going to be easy, that's for sure.

I took a bunch of World of Warcraft screenshots yesterday. I'm going to post them later. It is also going to be EPIC. A lot's happened in my WoW life in the last few weeks. Leveling new characters, exploring sunken pirate ships, earning exalted among the Netherwing, becoming Queen of the Ogres. You know, the usual.

personal, my chemical romance, world of warcraft, fanfic discussion, fall out boy, important issues, bandom, the used, lols

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