This is what I do best, and I do it for charity!

Mar 13, 2011 19:47

Alright everyone, whoever still uses LJ...I'm going to be doing some charity work on the internets!

Now, I have no way of truly knowing if people are donating or not...but I can surely provide entertainment to encourage them to do so, right??

So, tonight at 8:00pm Central Time...I will be playing a massive broadcast marathon on my livestream channel!

I will be playing oldschool games (NES and SNES primarily) rather HORRIBLY for your entertainment, and to encourage you to donate to help our friends over in Japan who have been victims of the recent Earthquakes and Tsunami!

Links will be on my Livestream page that you can use to donate! Please come watch! Tell your friends if they might be interested! MAKE IT HAPPEN! Otherwise I'll be playing games and screaming at myself. That's no fun, and helps NOBODY.


help japan, earthquakes, livestream, donate teh monies, disasters, charity, it's got new gaime

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