30 Days/Videogames meme

May 20, 2011 18:16

So, yeah. Blame Tyger. <3

Day 1: Very First Videogame.

...Do arcade games count? If so, then it was either Pacman or Space Invaders. They were in a little mini arcade on the ferry boat we used to take when I was little, and we lived on Vashon Island. I can't clearly remember which it was because I was like, three or four. If we're talking console games, that'd be Mario Bros. on my uncle's NES. I think I was five or six. Then we moved to Ireland, and there were no more games until I was nine, but that's okay, because in the meantime I discovered books and maths. XD;;


I'll be making a masterlist of my own when... When I stop being so lazy, yes. <3

meme: 30 days videogames

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