The "About my World Guardian" masterpost

Sep 29, 2014 23:28

So I finally wrote up a proper profile for my take on the player character of RuneScape! Gonna host this both here and on my Tumblr.

Name: Jaina Katarn
Gender: Female (obviously)
Race: Human
Date of birth: 20 Rintra, Year 152 Fifth Age (she is 17 years old when the game timeline starts, and turns 18 shortly after the events of The World Wakes, which in my headcanon takes place in very early Rintra of 170 Fifth Age, rather than exactly in 169)
Height: 5'7" (and no I am not listing her weight)
Divine alignment: Zarosian

Appearance: She has very fair skin, long purple hair which she normally wears in two pigtails, and smoky gray eyes. Her face is heart-shaped, and she has a slender figure and is reasonably--but not overly--well endowed.

Very much a girly girl, she never wears trousers, and hates helmets of any kind. She also won't wear skintight clothing or anything too revealing. Many of her outfits are purple, and they all tend to be the cute-looking sort of pretty--she's meant to be Badass Adorable, and even her combat gear looks cute and stylish.

Weapon of choice: Staff of light. She has an extensive collection of staves and uses most of them when she can, but favors the staff of light most greatly. Occasionally she dual-wields the abyssal wand and orb combo, but she isn't quite as good with those as with staves.

She also sometimes carries a dragon dagger and/or rune throwing knives in case she needs a melee or ranged weapon, but her ability with close-quarter combat or ranged weapons is extremely limited--and she generally has a tendency to hit things with her staff rather than use the dagger.

Fighting style: A pure mage, she mainly relies on hit-and-run tactics, and tries to use the landscape to her advantage however she can. She favors Ancient Magicks, though she generally limits herself to spamming Ice Barrage on everything, as it allows her to hit and run more easily. Occasionally she'll Blood Barrage depending on the situation (that's usually if the enemy gets too close,) but she'll almost never use smoke or shadow spells. If she's using standard spells, she generally sticks to wind and water spells. She's also very leech-curse and Soul Split-happy.

She is positively terrified of enemies that have bows or crossbows--especially if the crossbow wielder might have bakriminel bolts.


Jaina was born in Year 152 of the Fifth Age and grew up in Lumbridge. She is partially descended from the elven Cadarn clan on her father's side, though the details of that ancestry are unknown; it is likely that the elf-human union happened sometime in the Fourth Age, in modern Kandarin, during the rule of King Baxtorian. The only sign of her elven ancestry is the fact that she was able to sing crystal, although not very well.

Her father, Daelin, was in his youth an adventurer, personally tutored by Xenia after he got bored with his life as a farmer's son. Raised Saradominist, he became interested in the ways of Guthix after visiting Taverley for the first time, and converted rather quickly after some time with the druids. He acquired a decent sum of money from his travels; however, he was careless and spent large amounts of it too rapidly, forcing him to have to sell all his gear and return to his birthplace of Lumbridge after his marriage, where he would work odd-jobs for the citizens to earn his keep.

Her mother, Phrynna, was born in Taverley, and was a druidess with a great fondness for animals and flowers. She was decent with magic, a talented summoner, and very skilled with gardening, herbs, and potions, but she eventually grew disillusioned with the life of a druid and began to wish to collect exotic animals--well, that, and she hated being addressed by her druidic name, Yaketysax. She developed quite the fondness for Lumbridge not long after moving there, and often took her children on walks through the town and the swamp.

Not long after Jaina was born, her mother became pregnant again, and a year and a half later in 153, her younger brother was born. While the family wasn't dirt-poor, they didn't have that much money, and for the first few years of her life little Jaina had to make do with cabbage for dinner nearly every day--which is most likely why she hates it so much now.

Her earliest memory is of finding a stack of air runes and an air talisman that her father left on a table. She decided to play with the runes, accidentally casting her first Wind Strike--and almost knocking over the table, and her father. Indeed, she showed a natural talent for magic almost as soon as she began her schooling, and although she proved to be quite the magical prodigy, she hated school--partially because she was easily bored and dreamed of doing interesting things, and partially because she--and her brother--got picked on for having Guthixian parents. The teachers did little about it, instead insisting that her father let her learn the ways of Saradomin. Her father, however, remained adamant that he would raise his children as he saw fit. This would greatly contribute to the huge bias against Saradominists she would develop.

Her parents always believed that Guthix had big plans for Jaina, and thus encouraged her to learn a balanced skill set. Her father taught her a bit about throwing projectiles and hand-to-hand combat, though she would never be very good at either of those. She also started to help out around Lumbridge here and there, and even had her first adventure when she was ten--well, it was helping Cook get ingredients for a cake, but it was something. She and her brother even helped stop a trio of cultists from making a blood pact--her father had many, many words for Xenia about putting his children in danger like that.

When she was twelve, Jaina earned a scholarship to study at the Wizards' Tower, and so traveled there to hone her magical skill. Although she was eager to know things, she didn't really want to stay and be a wizard, as she still wished to see the world--so she would venture down to Draynor often and help the citizens out when she could. She even managed to defeat Count Draynor, though the Tower wizards kept a much closer eye on her after that.

While she was there, the War of 164 broke out and her parents went to Asgarnia to help the citizens of Taverley recover from the massacre. They also pledged their support to Prince Anlaf and hoped to help him reclaim the throne, but both of them were slain in the Siege of Falador as they tried to flee the city. When word of their deaths reached her, a devastated Jaina was offered the option to become Archmage Sedridor's ward, but only if she would commit to becoming a proper wizard. She declined, and instead was sent off to her aunt in Yanille, where she began studies at the Mages' Guild.

She would spend the next few years in Yanille, mostly practicing her magic, though she also had a little practice at hand-to-hand combat from the city guards. However, she found the town highly constraining--since she was never allowed to venture out on her own, least of all south towards all the ogres--and was very often bored, to the point that she started fixing up an old house in town that had been destroyed by ogres a few years prior. She couldn't entirely be kept restrained, though, as when the Watchtower's defenses were weakened, she insisted on venturing into the ogre city to help get it working again. It was also during this time that her girly streak developed, as her aunt had decent money and had quite a few new dresses for her to wear. She had little to no contact with her brother, and to this day she still barely knows him and is not very close with him.

When she turned sixteen, Jaina left Yanille and traveled to a small island off the coast of Misthalin, not far from the Wizards' Tower, where she went to an adventurer's school and did a bit of honing her skills for a few months. (She had no idea Ashdale even existed until Shadow Over Ashdale, and never pronounces it correctly.) She then returned to Lumbridge at the start of 169, her seventeenth birthday close around the corner, and started looking for things she could do once more.

She was rarely if ever bored again, since adventure and trouble seemed to find her at nearly every possible turn even when she wasn't actively seeking stuff to do--and as her skills and knowledge only grew, so too did the things she did--she created a rune guardian, defeated Elvarg, explored her dreams with the Moonclan, courted and married a prince, investigated the plague of West Ardougne, went to the moon and aided the fairy queen--it wasn't long before she got into the Legends' Guild. She even learned long-lost spells, discovered and embraced the ways of a long-forgotten god, and eventually stumbled upon Guthix's resting place and witnessed the dawn of a new age, becoming a World Guardian. Despite the upheaval and emotional turmoil that event brought, she continued to adventure...


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