FIC: Stranger Things 7/?

Nov 10, 2008 16:51

TITLE: Stranger Things
AUTHOR: Demona
SUMMARY: Response to Challenge 310: Woke Up In Vegas by Jinni. Faith ends up in bed with one Jack O'Neill.
For Buffy and Angel: Set after Chosen
For Stargate: Through Season 8
RATING: FR18, at the moment, just to be safe.

"A vague disclaimer is nobody's friend." - I do not own any of the characters in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel: the Series or Stargate. The ideas and concepts in this story are mine entirely. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission. Joss Whedon is God…

Reviews are happily welcome, though not necessary.

This is set post "Chosen" in Buffy but runs kinda parallel to the earlier seasons of Stargate. Jack is still a Colonel, not General, etc. So yes, I'm really messing with timelines here. Thanks :)

Previous Chapters:
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

“You are in for a bit of a disappointment,” the cab driver told us as we moved through traffic. “The courthouse isn’t open on Saturdays. It’s a government job, Monday through Friday,” he added and turned his attention back to the road.

“Fuck,” I swore and looked over at Jack. He looked just a little panicky.

“Oh for crying out loud, nothing is going to go right this whole trip!” he practically screamed in frustration.

“Where to now?” the cabbie asked.

“The airport,” I quickly stated not taking an extra second for deliberations. I turned my attention to Jack. “I’ll be back in a week. We can meet…file for an annulment and get on with our lives. But I can’t wait around until Monday. I have to catch the next flight outta here,” I explained as he just stared at me.

“To go rescue someone in Brazil?” Jack asked, watching me carefully.

“Yes. It’s a side job… Believe me, as scary as it sounds, I’d rather be here in Vegas for the rest of the weekend with you, but…I have to go. The group has been missing for too long. By the time I get there…” I trailed off and looked out the cab window.

“A week? What am I supposed to do in Vegas for a week? Wait for you to come back?”

“You don’t have to wait here, Jack. I can meet you wherever you live. We can go see a lawyer, get the papers drawn up, and get it done,” I told him with an easy smile. Something briefly flickered across his face. I had hit a nerve.

“How about you call me when you get back? We’ll work out the details from there,” he suggested.

“Sounds like a plan, husband,” I agreed with a wink in his direction before I turned my attention back to the drive to the airport.


“Here, you can reach me at the base. Just…” he trailed off as he handed me his card. I took it and looked it over. I dug around in the front pocket of my luggage and handed him one of my own. He took it, turning it over repeatedly in his hands.

“Don’t let on I’m your wife, Jack? Do you have regulations about getting married without proper authorization?” I teased.

“No, I don’t have to get permission to get married. It’s just that…” he trailed off, running hands through his hair. He was frustrated. If I wasn’t so amused by this situation I probably would be too.

“I get it,” I acknowledged. I tucked the card into the waistband of my skirt. “I’ll call you when I get back in. Then we’ll get on with the rest of our lives, right?” I asked, looking at him for confirmation.

“Right. Have a good flight, kid.” A frown immediately appeared on his face. “Faith, I mean… Have a good flight,” he rushed to correct himself. I could almost hear him mentally berating himself.

I let the ‘kid’ comment go. It was natural for him. But I wasn’t going to let him continue acting like I was some puppy that had followed him from the school bus. I closed the few feet distance between us and pressed myself up against him. I felt him stiffen, tension immediately racing through his body, but I held my ground. I kissed him, sliding one hand into his short hair, and using the other to balance my weight on his chest. He didn’t respond at first, but I kept at it. Finally, just as I was about to give up, he kissed me back. His hands came to rest on my hips holding me against him. And even though he was a complete stranger I had just married and was about to divorce it felt right. Corny, yes, but right nonetheless.

“Excuse me, we need to move this taxi along,” a gruff male voice interrupted our moment. I pulled back and looked up at Jack. He offered me a half-smile. The man had moved along to the next couple lingering in the taxi area, but I knew he would be back.

“Thanks, kid,” he whispered and I smiled. Things were going to be okay - whatever the hell that meant.

“I’ll call you later, husband,” I replied as I pulled myself away from him. I broke eye contact and grabbed my luggage. I needed to find the next available flight - that awful sense of responsibility where Riley was concerned was creeping back into my mind. I smiled once more at Jack and walked toward the open doors to the terminal. When I got inside and looked back over my shoulder Jack was getting back into the cab.

What the hell had I been thinking coming to Vegas?

fandom: stargate: sg1, character: faith lehane, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, character: jack o'neill, fiction

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