SPN - 403

Oct 03, 2008 11:52

So, warning there are spoilers and rambling thoughts for Supernatural 4x03 behind the cut.

I loved this episode. Jensen did such a freaking amazing job with Dean. He had to cover a wide array of emotions and he nailed each and every one of them.

Mary Campbell - you kick butt and look good doing it! Woot! Mary was a hunter! Crazy, crazy! And Mary's a babe and Dean's going to hell again. *snicker* It was so hard to watch some of the scenes between Dean and Mary. Especially the scene where she tells Dean it would be the absolute worse thing ever for her kids to be raised like she was. And then Dean begging her not to get up outta bed the night that she died. *wibbles* Oh that just broke my heart. And then her apology to Sam in Home makes all the sense in the world, and her recognizing the YED when he stood over Sam's crib. Oh Kripke, you do good work.

And Dean was named after his maternal grandmother. *snicker* That brightened my evening with the episode. It was possibly one of the only bright spots.

I thought they did a great job with casting younger John. There were times when you were looking at him that he closely resembled JDM. Not all the time clearly, but enough that it was there and you felt that connection. And John was carefree and in love with Mary. And he was so perfect and normal...except for where he was going to buy a VW bus! Seriously! John... Thank God Dean was there to talk him into the Impala. And wow, John died. John Winchester had pretty neck snapped and Mary made a deal. Wow. The Winchesters sure do manage to get themselves into bad places and bad deals, especially involving the YED.

Mitch Pileggi did such a kick ass job of portraying the YED. Seriously. He was so good that it felt like you were looking at Fred, or even JDM's YED, when you watched. It was creepy because he moved and spoke like the YED. And you weren't really thrown out of the scene, he just nailed it. And that is my biggest, biggest problem with the new Ruby. I don't like her portrayal of Ruby. You can't recognize that she is Ruby, except for the fact that Sam calls her Ruby. Mitch did a great job of making himself into the YED so you could recognize him even without the contacts. *sigh*

Castiel - I kinda wanna do his vessel's body some serious harm. Why put Dean through that? Grrr. To send him back, to have him watch his mother make a deal that would end in her death, and then to tell him that there was nothing he could have done anyway. Grrrr. Angels are kinda evil. And then he went and threatened Sam. You do not mess with Sam Winchester for Dean Winchester will smite your ass. The end. I think that Dean and Sam will have a go at one another - there will be some brother fighting, but in the end, I think the Winchesters will stand together against evil. Cause in the end - they're Sam and Dean.

Sad that Sam only had a brief amount on screen time, but I understand that this was about Dean finding out about Sam. Sam already knew about the demon blood, and he just neglected to share that little tidbit with Dean. I'm looking forward to getting to Sam's storyline. To exactly what powers Ruby has talked him into using. And how Dean will deal.

The whole time traveling part of the episode kinda makes my mind hurt. Seriously. It's like Terminator. Mind hurts.

Random question - how is John? kaylashay81 and I did some research last night and internet reports say he was born in 1954 which would mean he was like 19 in 1973, right? That's kinda young, especially cause he was supposed to be in the Marines. And I think they mentioned he was in Vietnam at some point. Does that mean he had just gotten back from Vietnam and then met Mary? kaylashay81 and I have decided he must have been born in 1950 or before - which would made him 23 at least and that makes more sense...

spoilers, episode commentary: supernatural

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