The wonderful and talented
amara_m has started a new Christmas Kink!Athon community.
Do you have a kink that hasn't been tapped lately? Something bizarre? Something twisted? Are you a provider of kink looking for something new? Interested in a fic exchange with a kinky little twist? Then I have the ficathon for you!
Multi-Fandom ficathon with a holiday flair. Any fandom, any kink. We'll do our best to hook you up with a fine purveyor of kink that hits all of your buttons.
xmas_kinkathon xmas_kinkathon xmas_kinkathon xmas_kinkathon Come on over. Check out the rules and sign up. You show us your kink, we'll show you ours!
I suggest everyone at least considering it. Go. Take a look. It can't hurt to look, right? And while you are at it, just sign up. You know you want to. Do it!
*big grin*