*Flails* SPN 3.12 Jus in Bello

Feb 22, 2008 08:23

So, there was a ridiculously ridiculous amount of flailing on my part last night. Seriously, I flailed like no other. There was so much wonderful in last night's episode. I mean, there was some not so wonderful that I didn't exactly agree with. But you have to trust that Kripke knows what he is doing.

Just fair warning my thoughts below are not linear in relation to the show. I forgot to tape the episode last night otherwise I would have gone back and watched it again and made comments. And I tend to ramble - so be forewarned.

Let me start off with Bela Talbot is a big fucking bitch. And if and when, in my fanfiction, I blame to kill her as often and as bloody as possible. Of course, no offense to the actress, she rocks, but Bela Talbot must die. The end.

I understand that she is a thief. And I think that despite the fact she is a thief, she probably has no plans to sell The Colt. My guess is that she acquired it because she needs it for a personal reason. Of course, I could be totally off-track and thinking in the wrong direction, but Bela has something in her past that she is hiding. Perhaps The Colt will help fix/kill/erase that past for her. *shrugs* Either way, she is still a freaking bitch and I dislike her immensely.

Dean did a great job with the comedic routine throughout the show. I mean, some of the lines were a little over the top and perhaps Dean (by way of Sera/writers) shouldn't have gone there. But they did and it fits with the Dean they have created.

Henricksen and his 'the Winchesters are the biggest, baddest, nastiest motherfucking convictings you will ever met' attitude is hilarious. I understand that from Henricksen's point of view, the Winchester boys and John are scary and do evil things and are responsible for a lot of death and destruction. But just to look at it from the Winchester side of the fence is kinda funny.

And I wanted to kick Henricksen a lot during the episode. Seriously, a lot. He is this character that I just absolutely despise because he is so righteous in his hatred and contempt for Dean and Sam, and even John. And though I hate him, he's an amazing character. Much like Gordon. (Just for the record, I still hate Bela. Nothing short of a huge miracle will change that.) Up until this episode, when they got caught, I was constantly worrying that Henricksen would catch up. Would find them and lock them away - away from each other, away from the world, and they would die. And he did threaten it - had every intention of shipping them off to maximum security and destroying them. The look on their faces, when Henricksen told them that this would be the last time they saw each other - that they would be put in isolation - heartbreaking! Dean and his deal. The Hellhounds would come for him, even in jail, and there would be nothing he could do to protect himself. He would die and no one in the jail, except Sam, would understand what was happening / had happened. And it would eat Sam up. To know that his brother was dying - dying alone. *shudders* I think I'm going to end there rather than ramble some more. I don't like the thought of Dean ending up in Hell - I am a realist - I know it will happen but I just don't like it.

The comments about John hit me two ways. For me, cause I write Daddy!cest with John and the boys, it kinda made me giggle. Cause Henricksen was all like - your daddy touched you in a bad place - and then the comments about being chained together. *snickers* So yes, on one front it did make me giggle. And then on the other side of that coin, I was really upset that Henricksen brought it up. We, viewers, are only given a very limited idea as to what happened during Dean and Sam's childhood. We know that John wasn't home for important events, like Christmas. And I understand that they didn't mean the same to John, now that Mary was dead, but they did mean something to Dean and especially to Sam because he was unaware for so long of the supernatural world. I honestly do not believe, for one second, that John laid a hand on either of those boys in an inappropriate way. There is no way. Period. Which is why I have a hard time reading non-con John stories and why I can't really write them. And if they could have, Sam and Dean would have killed Henricksen right there where he stood for the comments about John. The look in their eyes was so not friendly. And it was honestly good to see Sam's anger flare and take a defensive stand over John - so good!

My initial reaction and possibly still reaction is that Ruby did not please me this episode. She was so very amazing in 3.09 "Malleus Maleficarum". I liked her character a lot before that. But then she just became so, so, so much more of a character after that. I didn't like the way she talked down to Sam and Dean. And then I was pissed at Sam for not sharing that there was a leader rising in the west that wanted to kill him. Bad Sam!! And it didn't seem right, to kill one girl to save everyone, but at the same time it did. And Sam and Dean would never suggest such a thing. But Ruby could - she could, she did - and she didn't blink about it. She's a demon and yet she cared. I know that I wrote above that Ruby did not please me and I've decided that is not totally true. I noticed on weesta's journal a link to an explanation to the episode title Jus in Bello HERE. And after reading that explanation/essay, my whole opinion of Ruby changed. I think you should at least take the time to skim that essay (or read the first few paragraphs like I did *wink*). Ruby aimed to reduce the casualities, reduce the destruction, and destroy all those demons, and ultimately protect Sam and Dean (and the others by default). She would have died, sacrificed herself to keep them safe, and I think she would have done it. And then Nancy was ready to give her life to save her friends. Two for thirty plus. Two for Sam and Dean's safety. Sam's killed already - shot down the Crossroads Demon and didn't blink even though her host was human. What is another innocent human?

I don't think that they could have taken that path because it isn't who they are. They are fighters and Dean was honestly attempting to find a better solution. But Ruby's way...it would have ended with a lot less death. And she was right in the end, her way would not have allowed someone to get out and report back to the wicked leader of the west. Haha!

Back to Henricksen - because I just can't leave the man alone. I heart him. I heart him like freaking whoa! I mean, I hated him, despised him and his character but only because he was hunting my boys and trash-talked PapaWinchester! And then he got possessed, and shot the sheriff *snickers*, and they had to do an exorcism on him to free him. And only then did he really understand - and that is kinda what I thought it was going to take for Henricksen to step back and really look at the situation. I'm glad it happened, not glad that he was possessed exactly, but glad that he got to see the bigger picture.

And I'm not glad - so not glad - really upset that he died. I'm pissed. Why Kripke? Why let him know? Why get him to change, to understand, to want to join in on the fight, to freaking kill him?? You could kind feel it coming - I even mentioned it to kaylashay81 last night while we were chatting during the episode. But why!?!?!

And avamclean I squeeed and immediately thought of you when Ruby mentioned that the evil rising in the west was LILITH! Seriously, just ask kaylashay81. I did. *nods* And then she turned out to be a creepy child. A creepy child that fucking killed Henricksen. Grrr! But Lilith - wheeeeeeeeeeeee!

And now we have to wait until April to get a new episode. *sigh* That is stinky - definitely stinky.

Oh my god - how could I forget - TATTOOS! *iz ded* Seriously - they pulled down the neckline of their shirts and I almost creamed my pants. Okay, perhaps that was a bit TMI and crude, but I have a tattoo thing. And really, I almost didn't but I did get really excited and flailing yet again. I flailed way too much in this episode. And it would make sense that Dean, at least, would cover his body in protective tattoos. Like when Lindsey McDonald came back on Angel and he had all those tattoos....Jesus.

And Latin - mmmmm - Sam memorizing and reciting the Latin exorcism rituals. That is just so hot! There is something wrong with me.

On a side note, I need to go back through all my fanfictions and correct his name. It is spelled Henricksen on The CW website, so I'm going to go with that. They should, in theory at least, be able to spell their characters' names correctly, right?

Happiness! That was 3.12. I'll just apologize now if you were able to make it through that long-winded, rambling mess that was my comments on 3.12.


spoilers, episode commentary: supernatural

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