
Nov 08, 2005 13:53

Prompt#67 - Immortal
Title: A Life Well-Lived
Disclaimer - I do not own any of these characters and/or settings. If it looks familiar - I probably didn't invent it.
Rating: FR18

In theory - all my Tara stories should follow a progression of her death in BtVS in an AU.
Chapter Two - Prompt#67 - Immortal - Highlander Cross

Waking the Dead


I awoke gasping for air. My head slammed into something solid and forced me back down. The unforgiving surface beneath me was freezing as well and I realized with a jolt of fear that I could see nothing in the absolute inky darkness. Brief memories came back to me.

Willow and I making up.

Willow and I talking, about our love, in the bedroom.

Then pain, and nothingness.

And now I was trapped in a cold, metal box with no lights and no clothes it seemed. So, I did what anyone in my situation would do - I screamed.

I screamed, banged, and kicked until my lungs hurt and I could feel blood trickling down between my fingers. The tears came a moment after I forced my body still, and a moment before I was rescued.

My head swam as the presence of something powerful approached me. I didn’t have any time to really process it as my prison was pulled open.

Adam Pierson was not who I expected to be my knight in shining armor. I expected Willow, or Buffy, or hell even Dawn or Xander. But my strange, but nice, acquaintance was the last person I would have been likely to see - by a long shot.


The harsh overhead light blinded me as I came into its presence. I squinted, trying to keep my eyes on Adam, but it only managed to give me more of a headache than I already had.

“No time for discussion, I need you to get up and get dressed right now,” he quickly told me and something soft landed on my bare chest.

Bare chest. I was naked. Oh god, I was naked and this man was staring at me. I felt the blush start at my face and work its way down my face and across my body. Adam turned away, giving me a moment of privacy.

“Get dressed,” he ordered.

I managed to get off the morgue tablet and slide to the floor on my own two - very alive - feet. My hands didn’t hurt anymore - which surprised me. After I was done pulling on my shirt and pants - both of which were hanging off of me - I examined my knuckles. A brush across them smeared the congealing blood but also served to show me that there were no longer cuts where I punched the walls of my metallic prison.

“Yes, your hands completely healed. It’s all very fascinating, but right now we have to go,” he interrupted my thoughts.

“Go? Go where? Adam…I died,” I cut him off. He looked back in my direction from his place near the doors. He was keeping watch.

“Yes, you died. Clearly you didn’t stay dead. But you have to trust me - we need to go. The morgue attendant probably shouldn’t see you up and walking around. He’ll likely stake you - and death by staking isn’t pleasant.”

“And you know this from experience?”

“Yes, as you so astutely put it the first time we met - I died. So, you are what I am and we are getting out of here.”

“So this makes me a Watcher? Does this mean Giles died too?”

“Giles? No, it means you’re Immortal. Now let’s go or I’ll leave you to the mercy of a good staking,” he threatened and stepped through the morgue doors.

“Goddess,” I muttered, “what have I gotten into?”


character: tara maclay, work in progress, verse: a life well-lived, challenge: tth100, fiction, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, character: methos/adam pierson, fandom: highlander

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