FIC: Through the Sands of Time

Jan 02, 2012 23:01

TITLE: Through the Sands of Time
AUTHOR: Demona aka azraelz_angel
FANDOM: Supernatural Real People Fic
WARNINGS: Real People Slash
SUMMARY:  2012.  After all the speculation and rumors, the world really did end, at least as they had known it.   
DISCLAIMER: "A vague disclaimer is nobody's friend." - I do not own any of actors portrayed in this fic.  They own themselves.  The ideas and concepts in this story are mine entirely. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.
NOTES: This fic ignores the wives, girlfriends, kids, etc.  therefore no cheating boys. 
BETA: kaylashay81 and silentflux - all remaining mistakes are my own.
WRITTEN FOR: angstpuppy for spn_j2_xmas


It would be fair to say that the ”end of the world” took the majority of it by surprise.  Yes, rumors and speculation had run rampant in the prior years, but on average most people didn’t expect anything drastic in the year 2012.

It was no different for Jared and Jensen.  Yes, they starred in a show that had to do with the supernatural, and their characters had survived an apocalypse or two, but it certainly didn’t prepare either of them when it happened.  The world didn’t just end, or get sucked into a black hole.  Instead, it was like the movie Contagion, but in fast forward.  The illness travelled quickly, by the time you realized you had the symptoms, you were the walking dead and had it spread it further.

Luck, if you believe in it, would have it that Jeff was working in Vancouver on another project and talked the boys into joining him for a long weekend at a buddy’s remote hunting lodge.  Their seclusion led to their survival.  And it changed their future.


They were packing up their stuff back into Jeff’s SUV when Jared finally remembered to plug in his phone.  It had died the first day of their long four day weekend, and Jared hadn’t been bothered to charge it again.  The quiet remoteness of the lodge had been intoxicating and Jared hadn’t wanted to ruin it by reconnecting with the outside world.

His phone powered back up and took a few moments to find a signal.  The phone beeped and a green blinking light indicated he had messages.   He punched in his security code to unlock his phone and clicked on his phone app to get into his voicemail.  It took a few more seconds to punch in his password before it was cheerfully announced that he had twenty-six new messages.  His eyes widened at the announcement and he leaned a hip against the kitchen counter as the messages started playing.

He listened to all twenty-six, then he listened to them again for a second time.  Jensen found him, still leaning against the kitchen counter, staring without focus at his phone.

“Jared?” Jensen’s voice broke through the silence of the room and the roaring white noise in his head.  Jared jumped slightly, head coming up to meet Jensen’s questioning gaze.    “Everything alright?” Jensen asked.

Jared shook his head slightly, not quite sure where to begin.  “You checked your phone yet?” he asked instead.

“Was planning on plugging it in on the way back,” Jensen responded with a shrug.  “Did we fail to respond to one of Kripke’s summons?”

“You should go get Jeff, there’s something you both need to hear,” Jared explained.


It’s an overwhelming, almost crushing realization that the world has changed so drastically.  And it’s crazy to understand that *four* days prior the world was fine, normal.  And that in two days it went to shit.  That friends, family, loved ones had all called, left messages, and probably feared the worst when they’d heard nothing back.

It had been Jeff that made the decision to stay, based on his mother’s insistence.  She called, about a month after it all began.  The news hadn’t gotten any better from her location.  And she broke the news to him that she’d started coughing up blood that morning, and they both knew that the end wasn’t too far off.

”You boys need to hole up in that cabin.  Get as many supplies as you can and you don’t leave until they’ve got a cure.  The boys’ parents wouldn’t want them risking themselves just to get home either.  We’ve all got to do what we can to survive,” she’d told him.

It was their third and final trip into town until the Canadian Mounted Police arrived at their door almost a year later.


If Jensen was asked about it later, he’d probably say that he was surprised it took so long to happen.  But that he wasn’t surprised it started with Jared.

Jared was sitting on one of the counters, feet swinging and banging into the cabinets underneath him, as he watched Jensen finish washing the dinner dishes.

“You gonna sit there and stare all night or you gonna help out?” Jensen asked, a small note of irritation in his voice.

“You look like you’ve got it under control,” Jared replied with a tired smile and a small shrug.

Jensen snapped his dish towel at Jared, and wasn’t surprised when he easily caught it.  Jared’s tug caught him off balance and his momentum carried him forward into Jared.  He didn’t bother to hide his annoyance.

“Should know by now that your dirty looks don’t scare me,” Jared said, his voice dipping lower and he nudged his leg into Jensen.

“It was worth a try,” Jensen answered and tugged on the dishtowel.

Jared held on and reached out with his free hand.  His hand cupped Jensen’s face, fingers sliding into his hair, and he pulled him forward.  Jensen fought for a moment, pushing back against Jared’s hand, before Jared closed the distance and pressed his mouth against Jensen’s.  It was awkward for that first moment, and then Jensen relaxed into the kiss.  And he wondered why they hadn’t done this before.


There was only so much sneaking around two people could do when they are two thirds of the population in an enclosed space.  Jeff wasn’t blind, deaf, or dumb.  And in a normal situation, he would have just ignored it until it went away, but the chances of that happening were looking pretty slim.

“So when did you two start fucking?” Jeff just tossed it out there while they were eating breakfast one morning.

The blush immediately crept up Jensen’s neck and he ducked his head, suddenly finding his oatmeal really fascinating.

Jared set his spoon down with a little more force than was necessary and Jeff turned his gaze in his direction.  He wasn’t expecting the hard, almost challenging look that Jared leveled on him.

“Leave it,” Jared practically spat out and Jeff couldn’t help his eyebrows rising in surprise.

“I’d love to, but you two are acting like a pair of horny teenagers, and it’s really hard to pretend that I don’t have eyes or ears,” Jeff responded, not willing to back down.

“We aren’t…” Jensen started and then trailed off.  He took a deep breath and looked up at Jeff.  He was still embarrassed, but met Jeff’s gaze.  “It just started.”

“Figured,” Jeff said with a shrug.

“Is it okay?” Jensen asked and shot a quick glance at Jared.

Jeff looked back and forth between the two of them.  Jensen’s worry was clearly evident, and Jared’s look still dared him to push the issue.

“Woulda been nice to be included,” he said and helped himself to a second serving of oatmeal from the bowl at the table’s center.

Jensen blushed a deeper red and made a small choking noise.  And a small blush crept up on Jared’s cheeks as well.

“We didn’t really think you’d be interested,” Jared admitted.

Jeff snorted and ate another spoonful of oatmeal.  “Ya’ll are more oblivious then I thought.”


Jared wasn’t sure why they hadn’t gotten Jeff involved in the first place.  Perhaps it was because it was all so new to him, to Jensen.  Perhaps it was due to fear that Jeff would hate them for their new lifestyle choice.  It didn’t matter now, not when Jeff had him pressed facedown into the sheets, and two fingers sliding into him, stretching him out.  He gasped, coming back to himself, as Jeff started to nudge in a third.

“Shit,” he muttered, sweat sliding down from his temples, stinging a little as it caught the corners of his eyes.

“So hot Jared,” Jensen’s voice was barely louder than a whisper off to his side.  They’d both been surprised when Jeff had taken control, and that he wanted to fuck Jared and Jensen to watch.

“Yeah, doubt you’ll be saying that when he’s got his fingers in you,” Jared grumbled back.  Jensen squirmed slightly and ran a palm over top his boxer-covered erection.

“Doesn’t look like he’ll have any problem with it,” was Jeff’s gravely reply as he twisted his fingers and finally got all three in.

It was a slightly uncomfortable feeling, being filled with Jeff’s fingers, but it got better every time he hit a certain spot inside him.  Jeff gave him a few more thrusts with his fingers before he pulled them out completely.  Jared’s hips followed Jeff’s fingers on their own violation, and Jeff and Jensen both chuckled at Jared’s eagerness.

“Can’t wait for it, can you?” Jeff mumbled as he added more lube to his dick and lined himself back up with Jared.  “Ready?” Jeff asked, as he pressed against Jared.

Jared let out a slow breath and nodded to Jeff.  “Ready,” he answered.

It was worse and better than Jeff’s fingers all at the same time.  Jensen leaned forward, watching over Jared’s back, and Jeff slowly nudged his way in.

Jensen scooted further down the bed, lifting his hips up and pushing his boxers down past his hips.  His dick was hard and leaking and his hand immediately wrapped around it and gave it a few slow tugs before reaching over to get a small dollop of lube.

The soft grunts and flesh meeting flesh took over the room.  Jensen was the first to come; hand stripping his cock, as he watched the emotions play over Jared’s face.  He came, back arching, and Jared and Jeff’s name whispered out of his mouth.  Both other men watched as Jensen worked himself through it, and then collapsed back against the pillows.

“I’ll make you a deal, Jared,” Jeff said as he continued to thrust into Jared.  “You hold on until after I come, and you can fuck Jensen first.”

Jared whimpered and bit down on his lip.  “Can you imagine how hot it’d be?  Working him open?  Sliding your fingers into him, knowing how tight he is, wondering whether you’d be able to fit yourself in?  Listening to his little whimpers as you stretched him around you?” Jeff continued, picking up the pace.  “Bet you he’d love it.  Could come from just your dick alone.  Think you could get him to do that?  Come all over the sheets without a hand on him?”

“Ngh,” Jared managed to get out as he came, hips thrusting forward into empty air and slamming back against Jeff.

Jeff chuckled, low in Jared’s ear as he bent forward and sank his teeth into the junction of Jared’s neck as he came, hips stuttering, losing their rhythm as he filled Jared with his come.

“That wasn’t fair, Jeff,” Jensen finally spoke, hand still lazily stoking his spent cock.

“I’ll second that,” Jared added, chest heaving as he fought to catch his breath.

“I’ll make it up to him by letting him fuck me,” Jeff added, smacking Jared on the ass before he gently pulled out and collapsed down next to him.  Jensen whimpered, his hand tightening around his cock at Jeff’s suggestion.

Jared’s chuckle was low and heated.  His hand slid up Jensen’s thigh, fingers sliding through Jensen’s climax, fingertips running along Jensen’s balls.  “Don’t worry Jen, you’ll get your turn too!”

warning: rps, jeffrey dean morning, jared padalecki, warning: slash, jensen ackles, challenge: spn_j2_xmas, pairing: jeff/jensen/jared

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