Fic'ing to Christmas - Day Fourteen - FIC: Playing Nice With the Locals

Apr 03, 2011 12:58

Title: Playing Nice With The Locals
Prompter: satyrnfive
Prompt: I would love to see a story with Faith and Dawn competing over Sam Axe from Burn Notice. :)
Rating: FR13
Betas: kaylashay81 and avamclean
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Burn Notice
Disclaimer: The characters of BtVS belong to Fox, the WB/UPN, Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc, & Burn Notice belongs to USA Network, Fox Production, etc. The ideas and concepts in this story are mine entirely. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.

All fics by authors participating in this year's Wishlist challenge, can be found here: wishlist_fic
My Masterlist is here: Fic'ing to Christmas

Buffy tilted her head back, eyes sliding closed and still the bright sun was visible through her sunglasses. It was days like this that made her miss Sunnydale, and days spent lounging around working on her tan.

These days, her trips to the typical tourist locales were all strictly business, though with Dawn and Faith tagging along, this trip had already leaned more toward pleasure than business. She could just hear the sputtering noise Giles was gonna make when he got their expense report. But Faith swore she’d find a way to justify their prior evening at the Opium nightclub as a Slayer-related expense, and Buffy was gonna leave it all up to her.

“So, it’s all settled then?” Sam’s voice drug Buffy back to reality and she lowered her face away from the Miami sun’s warming rays and reluctantly opened her eyes. She fought not to frown and give away her mental wanderings, trusting that Dawn had been paying complete attention.

“All except who’s going with who on the stakeouts,” Dawn answered with a nod as she flipped her leather portfolio closed and clicked her phone shut. Both items quickly disappeared into her bag, resting against her chair, and she turned her attention fully back to the group.

“I’ll go with Sam,” Dawn and Faith said at exactly the same time. In slow motion, they turned towards one another, eyes narrowing as they studied one another.

Silence descended on the table as Michael, Sam and Fiona looked back and forth between the two brunettes. Fiona’s laugh was loud and sudden, and completely broke the tension that had settled between Dawn and Faith.

“What’s so funny?” Faith asked, as Dawn raised an eyebrow in question as well, both turning their ire on Fiona.

“It’s just that Michael usually has the women falling over him. Neither of you spared him a second glance,” Fiona explained.

“Fi!” Michael called out.

But Sam’s eyes wandered over Faith first and then to her little sister, where his eyes lingered just a hair too long on her sister’s breasts.

With an angry flick of her wrist, Buffy snatched the sunglasses off her face, and loudly cleared her throat. Sam’s head snapped up, eyes immediately meeting hers. She leveled him with the same look she’d reserved for all the guys that had expressed interest in her sister. Lesser boys had crumbled, one even peed his pants, but Sam Axe just evenly met her gaze, held it, and then had the audacity to wink at her.

Well that settled it, Sam wasn’t going anywhere with Dawn, and Faith couldn’t be trusted to pay attention around him either. “I’ll go with Sam. You two can fight over Fiona,” she announced.

“Buffy!” both Dawn and Faith objected together.

“I think that sounds like a splendid plan. Come on Slayer, you’re with me,” Fiona replied rising to her feet, causing the metal chair to grate against the concrete.

“Didn’t see that coming,” Michael muttered as he too rose to his feet, and offered a pouting Dawn a smile.

character: michael weston, character: dawn summers, character: fiona glenanne, character: buffy summers, challenge: wishlist_fic, character: sam axe, fiction, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, character: faith lehane, fandom: burn notice

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