Sep 13, 2012 17:36
I can't believe summer is here and gone. I can't believe a lot of things right now. Such as I have been living out west now for nearly a year! That come the new year I will debt free!! And having said that I managed to pay off my consumer debt while moving across the country and starting over; purchasing all new furniture, a vehicle and paying for costly surgery for my dog. WOW. What a year.
I am starting school (though I have been saying this for months now) - soon.. But having the knowledge that come Jan all of my big bills will be paid ( the vehicle, the move, the surgery, plus my old debts) meaning I can have a reprieve of money going out sort of makes me want to hold off on the school part. I will paying for the tuition out of my own pocket so that makes me reluctant to incur yet more debt. I want to see money accumulate for once. For a house or a trip or something...Not just ok here we go another $1,000 bill that needs paying for car brakes or whatever. Or another $270/month toward tuition or whatnot.
But the school part is important. My current job has no where to move up unless I go back to school so whether I stay in my field or choose another school is inevitable.
I really haven't been writing in this much. Mainly because I don't think anyone actually reads it and with having to stay in touch with so many people from home I just get tired of repeating myself. Oh well. All things come to an end at some point and I have had this journal for ohhh a lot of years now.