Nov 15, 2007 16:18
Hm, it's been a really long time since I wrote anything here. To be honest, it's been a long time since I read anything here. I'm not sure when it was I stopped looking, but I just today realized it and desire to start again. I'm not sure why specifically. It's not like I think I'm having an effect by reading your words, but I just feel like I should. Maybe it's more of a form of voyeurism than anything else... Doesn't matter. For better or worse, life altering or utterly inconsequential, I will be listening to the things you say here again.
I don't know if this applies to anyone else, but I've noticed that any time I have a sore throat, laryngitis or anything that puts me in a position where I should use my voice as little as possible I want to sing more than any other time. I suppose that can be truthful metaphorically, but as of right now, it's literal. Then I do start singing and halfway through butchering the song with my mucus lined, temporarily raspy would-be old smokers voice, I realize I probably just extended the time I can't sing another day. I hate throat diseases almost as much as I hate skin diseases. I would say I'm going to do something about it, but I'm planning on going surgical. That isn't much of a preventative medical field.
So since I shouldn't be singing or speaking I'm releasing words here for the first time in forever.
Nothing especially interesting is going on in my daily life so I won't bring any of that up here. However, when I'm sleeping, I've noticed my dreams have started to get strangely realistic. The 5 senses, the thought processes, the situation, all of them are beginning to seem more and more similar to regular life. It's kind of strange. Recently I had a dream where it was just me and some friends sitting in my room talking about stuff, shooting the breeze. While someone else was talking about something kind of boring, I kind of spaced out and started daydreaming about other things until someone poked me and got me to participate in the conversation again.
A bored daydream in the middle of a real dream.
Quite strange.